CPE 101-01, Turner

Fall 2008



October 10th , 2008 

(Lab exam next week!)

Time to complete the exam: 50 minutes. 

This exam is individual 

This exam is open book 

This exam is closed everything else, including lecture notes, electronic devices, etc 

The only programs you are allowed to have open on the computer during this exam are: 

The text editor of your choice on vogon

Terminal window(s) 

ssh connection to vogon where you create a directory and a new file and edit the file within that ssh session.  Compile, run, debug all on vogon in that ssh session. 

Do not use any code you may have access to from earlier in this course or from other courses 

The problem description includes all assumptions necessary to answer the problem. However, if you feel additional assumptions are or need clarification on a problem, you may ask the instructor during the exam period. 

The program you write to solve the problem will be graded pass/fail.

Style will not be strictly enforced on this Lab exam.


The Problem.

You will write a program to determine the gas mileage for a trip given the miles driven and the gallons consumed.  The program should then calculate and print out the miles per gallon.  Lastly, the program will print a comment based on the MPG results.  

    * Develop your solution in a file named LabExam1.c there on vogon.

    * Store the miles driven and gallons used as integers.

    * Calculate the miles per gallon with two places after the decimal;

    * Use the following as comments based on the miles per gallon:

mpg >= 30             Tree hugging is the best.

30 > mpg >= 22     You've seen Inconvenient Truth.

22 > mpg >= 15     What's Global Warming??

15 > mpg                I think you just ran over Bambi with your Hummer.

    * Your prompts and output must match mine exactly.

    * You do not need to put any comments in your code.

    * You must compile on Vogon with the –Wall –ansi –pedantic flags with no warnings or errors.


Sample Runs:

Enter the miles driven: 300

Enter the number of gallons used: 8

Your MPG is: 37.50

Tree hugging is fun.

Enter the miles driven: 300

Enter the amount of gallons used: 25

Your MPG is: 12.00

I think you just ran over Bambi with your Hummer.