CPE 101-01, Turner
Fall 2008
October 10th , 2008
(Lab exam next week!)
• Time to complete the exam: 50 minutes.
• This exam is individual
• This exam is open book
• This exam is closed everything else, including lecture notes, electronic devices, etc
• The only programs you are allowed to have open on the computer during this exam are:
– The text editor of your choice on vogon
– Terminal window(s)
– ssh connection to vogon where you create a directory and a new file and edit the file within that ssh session. Compile, run, debug all on vogon in that ssh session.
• Do not use any code you may have access to from earlier in this course or from other courses
• The problem description includes all assumptions necessary to answer the problem. However, if you feel additional assumptions are or need clarification on a problem, you may ask the instructor during the exam period.
• The program you write to solve the problem will be graded pass/fail.
• Style will not be strictly enforced on this Lab exam.
The Problem.
You will write a program to determine the gas mileage for a trip given the miles driven and the gallons consumed. The program should then calculate and print out the miles per gallon. Lastly, the program will print a comment based on the MPG results.
* Develop your solution in a file named LabExam1.c there on vogon.
* Store the miles driven and gallons used as integers.
* Calculate the miles per gallon with two places after the decimal;
* Use the following as comments based on the miles per gallon:
mpg >= 30 Tree hugging is the best.
30 > mpg >= 22 You've seen Inconvenient Truth.
22 > mpg >= 15 What's Global Warming??
15 > mpg I think you just ran over Bambi with your Hummer.
* Your prompts and output must match mine exactly.
* You do not need to put any comments in your code.
* You must compile on Vogon with the –Wall –ansi –pedantic flags with no warnings or errors.
Sample Runs:
Enter the miles driven: 300
Enter the number of gallons used: 8
Your MPG is: 37.50
Tree hugging is fun.
Enter the miles driven: 300
Enter the amount of gallons used: 25
Your MPG is: 12.00
I think you just ran over Bambi with your Hummer.