CPE 308
Time Log Activity Codes
Note: Log all time you spent on the course, including laboratory time.
- Admin
Use when you do any type of administrative work unrelated to the other codes.
e.g. if you wrote a test plan, log the time with the Test code.
- Code
Use when you write or debug code.
- Learn
Use this when you are learning something related to the project.
- Lecture
Use this for all homework, assignments, readings, etc. that are unrelated
to the Brocade project.
- Meet
Use this when you are meeting with 1 or more other people; include
laboratory time meetings.
- Other
Use this for project work that doesn't fit in another category;
state what the work is in the Notes column.
- Rework
Use this code when you are redoing something that was done incorrectly
OR you are redoing something that resulted from a SRS/design change.
- Specs
Use this when you are writing/inspecting code specifications.
(e.g. Javadoc, pre/post conditions)
- Test
Use this when you are writing drivers/stubs/unit tests or any test script.
Also use it when you are running tests or analyzing test results.
Last updated on 4/21/03