CPE 308 Turner (created by Professor Stearns, used by permission)
Leader Responsibilities
Good books about leadership
There are more than 50,000 books about leadership at
amazon.com .
Most of them say the same standard things; we cover most of them
in 205/206.
The following books
take different approaches to leadership and are well worth reading.
Even better, they are inexpensive.
The Tao of Leadership by John Heider
Peopleware by DeMarco and Lister
An effective leader:
- Ensures that each subordinate has accepted a clearly defined set of
action items/tasks.
Corollary 1: The subordinate has the authority to complete the task
(or not to complete it!).
Corollary 2: The leader never completes the action item/task even
if it is not being done.
- Provides whatever support is needed so the group remains productive
and cohesive.
- Stays out of the way most of the time.
- Ensures that group members have the needed knowledge and resources.
- Serves as the contact person for the group.
- Creates, manages and communicates the group task list.
- Provides accurate scheduling data to the project management group.
- Facilitates group meetings.
- Facilitates decisions by consensus but makes decisions when necessary.
- Understands that good leadership does not mean giving orders.
Last updated on 1/6/99