CPE 308
Winter 2009
SRS Checklist (adapted from Stearns material)
Use this checklist to verify your Software Requirements Specification.
Everyone is responsible for this verification; but the team editor takes
the hit if there are problems.
- Cover page contains team logo, 308 section # and date submitted.
- Document has page numbers.
- Document matches the required format.
- Document is of professional quality.
- The credits list is specified clearly, by individual.
("done by team" is explicitly disallowed)
- Each non-primitive entity in the data dictionary is used by
one or more use cases.
- Every use case noun is in the data dictionary.
- All significant use cases are visible in the prototype.
- All views of the requirements (use cases,
prototype, data dictionary) are consistent.
- Writing meets the standards of a
the WPE level 4 or greater.
- All English, including diagram text, is written in the 3rd person
using active voice, present tense verbs.
- There are no words from the
bad words list.
Problem Domain
- All language is in the problem domain; don't discuss the UI!
(Exception - some non-functional requirements)
- Each view of the requirements (Use Cases, Data Dictionary,
Prototype) uses the same problem-domain words.
- Excepting the prototype, there is no discussion of the UI in the SRS.
Non-functional Requirements
- Every requirement is concrete, specific, measurable and testable.
- Every requirement applies to your system.
- There are 3 maintainability requirements (to be provided by Prof. Stearns)
Data Dictionary
- The data dictionary describes all problem domain entities in
the software.
- There are no glossary terms in the Data Dictionary.
- Entries are organized hierarchically and formatted appropriately.
- Every primitive (not decomposed) entity must be used:
in a composite entity
by at least one use case
Use Cases
- The proper format is used.
- Every non-primitive Data Dictionary entity is discussed in
one or more use case.
- There is no discussion of the UI in the description.
- There is no textual discussion of Data Dictionary details.
- There are no design domain features described as use cases.
Some common non use cases:
- login/logoff
- exit system
- resize window
- open/close window
These are system features, not use cases.
- Every term is used in the SRS.
- There are no glossary terms in the Data Dictionary.
- UI follows appropriate
human psychology principles
- UI presentation is professional (whether a prototype
or storyboards)
- UI covers all major use cases.
Last updated on 1/31/05