Sample webpages for courses previously taught

Most recent incarnation of Professional Responsibilities, Spring 2008 CSC 300 webpage.
Computers and Society CSC 302 webpage.
and a newer version of CSC 302 using Friedman's "The World is Flat."
CSC 205. See our CSC 205 webpage for details. This is the first in a two course Software Engineering sequence coordinated with upper division CSC 402 and 405. Professor Fisher taught CSC 402 and a section of 205.

CSC 402 Requirements Engineering, last taught in the Fall of 2005.

CSC 508 graduate level Software Engineering I.

CSC 509 graduate level Software Engineering II.

CPE 101 Fundamentals of Computer Science This page is from a course taught in the Fall of 2009.

Department of Computer Science
California Polytechnic State University

San Luis Obispo, CA 93407