/* Cable Revenue Program This program calculates the revenue generated from installing coaxial cable, given the number of installations and the yards of cable used. Each installation earns $25 and each foot of cable earns $2. For example, for input of 3 installations and 15 yards of cable, the revenue earned would be $165. */ #define kServiceCharge 25 /* service charge per installation */ #define kPricePerFoots 2 /* unit cable price */ int main(void) { int Installations; /* number of installations */ int YardsOfCable; /* yards of cable used */ int FeetOfCable; /* feet of cable used */ int Revenue; /* dollars generated */ /* Input (keyboard): The number of installations */ /* The yards of cable installed */ printf ("Enter the number of installations: "); scanf("%d", &Installations); printf ("Enter the yards of cable used: "); scanf("%d", &YardsOfCable); /* Computations */ FeetOfCable = YardsOfCable / 3; Revenue = Installations * kServiceCharge + kPricePerFoot * FeetOfCable; /* Output (screen): The revenue generated printf("The revenue generated is %d dollars.\n\n", Revenue); }