CPE 102 Extra Credit Projects

The projects below are available for extra credit.  Each project can earn credit equivalent to a regular project.  The prerequisite for each project is shown.   You must have completed the projects for the indicated chapter in order to be eligible for that extra credit.

It is expected you will follow the Object Oriented Design process described in the book. 

Follow the regular submission procedure.  Submit your solution using handin to the folder named "ExtraCredit".
There is a limit of one extra credit submission per week.  The deadline for any submissions is 5pm on the last day of classes.

Project EC1

Parcel Postage problem.  (Prereq: Ch 14)

Project EC2

Lunar calendar    (Prereq: Ch 11)

Project EC3

Implement a Swing Graphical User Interface for the Traffic Jam supplemental problem.  The GUI should look something like this screenshot.  You may use different images.   Tip:  Use a JButton for each spot and have the action listener for each button call the method to make a move in the game logic.  (Prereq: Ch 15. Ch 18 will be helpful.)