Algorithm Analysis Summary

Given two different algorithms that solve the same problem, Weiss' wants to know if there is a way to determine if one is faster than the other. 

If you implement the programs and measure their actual execution time, this is an emprical analysis.  If you study the properties of the algorithm using mathematics and rules of logic, this is a formal analysis. 

Actually, the question is "algorithm X faster than algorithm Y" is too vague, because it depends on how many data items are being processed.  For example, binary search is faster than linear search for large data sets, but for small data sets, linear search is faster.

Don't bother to tell me "this algorithm takes longer the larger the data set" because this is true of all algorithms.  What we want to know is the rate at which the running time increases. 

When the text asks for the running time of an algorithm, it is implied that he is asking for the running time as a function of the number of data items.

We estimate the running time of an algorithm by counting the number of basic operations it performs, e.g, moving data, comparing data, arithmetic operations.   Example:  Weiss pg 35.

We only need to estimate the running time, we don't need an exact answer, we just need to know with enough accuracy to compare it to a different algorithm.  All we need is an "order of magnitude" estimate.

Derive the big O order in this manner:
  1. Replace all additive constants in the running time with the constant 1.
  2. Retain only the highest-order term in this modified running time.
  3. If the highest-order term is not 1, remove the constant (if any) that multiplies this term.
If an algorithm has several components, they can be analyzed independently and then added together.  Often there is a dominant term that we can use for the big O.

Some algorithms may perform differently with under differing input conditions, so it may be helpful to characterize the best, worst, and average-case running times.  If a question asks for running time without specifying which case, it usually means worst-case. 

Analyzing common programming constructs

   A sequence of computations will take a constant amount of time to execute.  It is independent of how many input data items are being processed. 

   Also constant time.

"Fixed" Loops
    A loop that performs a fixed number of iterations is still considered constant time.  E.g.,
for (int days = 1; days <= 7; days++)
The number of iterations doesn't depend on the number of input data items.

General Loops
    When a loop processes a set of input data items, the number of iterations is variable, so we characterize the running time as a function of the number of data items. 
for (int days = 1; days <= number_of_days; days++)
    total = total = days * 30;
would be O(n) or linear time.

Nested Loops
    Multiply the running time of the loop body by the product of the sizes of all the loops.
for (int days = 1; days <= days.length; days++)
    for(int items = 1; items <= days.length; days++)
         days[items] = days[items] / days.length;
would be O(n2) or quadratic time.

Ranking of common functions

Common Name
Running Time*

> 100 years
nd, d>3

31.7 years
2.8 hours
n log n

1.2 seconds
0.1 seconds
√ n
0.00032 seconds
log n
0.000012 seconds

*Given n=100000, assuming 106 operations per second

See also Weiss Fig 2.2 (pg 34) showing running times of four different algorithms
for finding maximum subsequence sums.


Describe the order of magnitude of the running time (as a function of n) for each program segment.

a)  for (int i=0, i<n; i++)  ...

b) for (int j=n; j>=0; j--)  ...

c) for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<n; j++) ...

d) for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (int j=0; j*j<n; j++) ...

e)  for (int i=0, i<n; i++)
    {  int k=0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<n; j++) ...