Sorting: Key Points

Simple Sorts

Bubble, Insertion, Selection
Runtime performance:  O(N*N)

Advanced Sorts

Mergesort, Quicksort
Runtime performance:  O(N log N)
How do they do it?  They don't examine every item every time, e.g. partitioning

Performance Comparison (Pentium III 997MHz):
Sort TypeNumber of itemsrun time
Weiss's Insertion sort3500030.9 seconds
Weiss's Quicksort (recursive)350002.78 seconds
Java Arrays.sort350000.041 seconds

Real-world programming with Sorts

Three Guidelines
  1. Never write your own sort.  Use a sort routine from a library, or find prewritten code.
  2. Writing your own sort is a really bad idea.  Someone else has already done all the work, don't waste your time.  Even if you're a great programmer, yours won't be as fast.
  3. See guideline #1.
In Java

Collections.sort(myList);    // sorts by "default ordering"
Arrays.sort(myArray);    // sorts by "default ordering"

Collections.sort(myList, new WidgetComparator());   //provide a custom ordering

This class from a production Java application would appear on the surface to violate rule 1 above. (It has a "bubbleSort()" method.) Study the code. What is the author trying to accomplish? Did he really need to write his own sort? If so, explain why. If not, discuss how he could have solved his problem without writing his own sort.