Together QuickStart

Starting a new project

Start Together.

Close the welcome/splash screen.

Select File -> New Project.

Fill in the Project Name field.
    Verify the Location is where you want the project to be placed.
    Verify Initial diagram is Class, and Default language is Java.

Click OK.  Wait about 10 seconds while Together creates an empty project.

Observe the Project name appears in the Explorer pane (on the left).

Creating a class diagram

Grab the bottom of the class diagram window and move it up so the editor pane is revealed. It's nice to be able to view the editor pane while drawing in the class diagram pane.

From the Object menu, select New -> Class
Shortcut: Ctrl-L or Click the Class icon on the toolbar.

A new component appears in the class diagram window named "Class1".
Type in the name for the class you are creating, e.g. Customer.

From the Object menu, select new -> Attribute
Shortcut: Ctrl-A

Type in the name and type for the attribute, e.g. name: String
Observe the java code generated automatically in the editor pane.  Cool!
Note: a minus sign means "private", a plus sign means "public".

From the Object menu, select new -> Operation
Shortcut: Ctrl-O

Type in the name and return type for the operation, e.g. verifyPIN: boolean
Observe the java code generated automatically in the editor pane.

In the editor pane, type in the source code for the body of the method: return true;

Tip: Under the Options menu, turn off "Recognize Java Beans."

Creating associations between classes

Create an Account class, with attribute balance and operation debit.

Click on the Customer class and add a new attribute: Checking: Account
Observe the diagram places an arrow between Customer and Account.

Compiling your application

Create a class that contains a main method.
From the Tools menu, select Make Project.
Look in the messages pane to verify make was successful.

From the Tools menu, select Run/Debug -> Run.
Verify the arguments and parameters dialog box specifies the correct main class.
Look in the messages pane to see output to console.

Caution: save early, save often.

Backing up your project

Your project is a folder under the Together\myprojects folder. You can copy it for backup purposes, or transfer it to another computer to work on it.