The tables below show linguistic cues that elicit thinking at each
of the different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Level 1: Knowledge
The student recalls or recognizes information,
ideas, and principles in the approximate form in which they were learned.
cluster | count | define | label | list | match |
recall | memorize | name | observe | outline | |
repeat | recite | record | recount | sort |
Level 2: Comprehension
The student translates, comprehends, or interprets
information based on prior learning.
abstract | cite | complete | describe | document |
explain | express | identify | locate | paraphrase |
recognize | report | restate | scan | select |
Level 3: Application
The student selects, transfers, and uses data
and principles to complete a problem or task with a minimum of direction.
apply | demonstrate | dramatize | frame | illustrate |
imitate | make analogy | manipulate | organize | select |
sequence | show | sort | test |
Level 4: Analysis
The student distinguishes, classifies, and
relates the assumptions, hypotheses, evidence, or structure of a statement
or question.
analyze | characterize | classify | compare | contrast |
conclude | debate | defend | distinguish | examine |
explain | interpret | map | outline | question |
refute | research |
Level 5: Synthesis
The student originates, integrates, and combines
ideas into a proposal that is new to him or her.
compose | construct | design | formulate | generalize |
invent | plan | propose | speculate | synthesize |
use principle |
Level 6: Evaluation
The student appraises, assesses, or critiques
on a basis of specific standards and criteria.
argue | assess | convince | criticize | decide |
evaluate | judge | justify | persuade | predict |
prioritize | rank | rate |