Lab Notebook 


It is recommended that you keep an engineering notebook for this course.  Many companies require their employees to maintain an engineering notebook, and for this course the purpose is the same; to document your accomplishments, to monitor your progress, to record technical details you are learning, and to record all project related issues and notes. It is not intended for keeping lecture notes. In industry your journal may be called upon as evidence in legal disputes over intellectual property.



The notebook must contain, at a minimum:

What else?  Anything that demonstrates what you've learned or accomplished in the course. 


Notebooks are collected intermittently for grading - be sure you always have it with you. A satisfactory notebook must be completed (overall grade of C or above) to pass the course.
If you want to write a notebook entry during the day the instructor has collected your notebook, you may type the entry and then staple (or glue) it into the notebook when it is returned to you.

Grading Criteria:
