Formal Technical Reviews


Remember, FTR's have been demonstrated to be the #1 method for improving product quality.

Inspections are internal reviews, FTR's are external reviews.  For CPE 308 FTR's, the reviewers will be another project team.  FTR's must be scheduled at least a week in advance!

Be prepared: Read the resources, assign roles, know your job.

FTR Process Diagram

Before the FTR:

During the FTR:

At the end of the FTR:

    Reviewers must make a decision:

  1. Accept - the product is acceptable as is.
  2. Rework - accept the product provisionally, minor erors have been encountered and must be corrected, but no additional review will be required.
  3. Reject - the product has severe errors. You need to overhaul the item and schedule another FTR.

After the FTR:

Review Guidelines

Sample Schedule

Day 1 Complete internal review of SRS.
Handoff to reviewing team.
Accept documents from team being reviewed.
Day 2 (out of class) Review other team's SRS, create issues list.
Day 3 (during lab) FTR meeting, consolidate issues.
Participate as reviewer in other team FTR meeting.
Submit issues list to other team and instructor.
Day 4 (out of class)
Revise SRS.
Create FTR Summary Report.
Return FTR Summary Report to reviewers for verification.
Verify FTR summary report for other team.
Show SRS to customer and get signoff.
Day 5 (during lab) Receive signed FTR Summary Report from reviewers.
Day 5 (during lab) Notify instructor deliverable is ready.
Submit signed documents to instructor.


Review Issues Form
Powerpoint presentation on FTR principles and concepts
NASA's Formal Review Guidebook
Lethbridge section 10.10 Inspections