Senior Project Ideas

Official requirements and expected outcomes.
CSc Dept Guidelines

Currently Available Projects (2010)

In general Mr. Dalbey's interests are in the following areas:

Web Applications

    Examples are Commuting Comparison, Fantasy Baseball, and Quotation Puzzles web sites.

Software Engineering "mini" tools

metrics tools, for example: Lines of Code Counter, TimeLogger, PSP project summary web database

charting and diagramming tools

testing tools

Learning Programming tools and environments, for example


Karel the Robot

Lego builder simulator

Software Engineering case studies, for example

Traffic Jam

ATM Simulator

Crazy Eights


Strategy and board games such as Risk, Monopoly, Diplomacy, etc.
Logic puzzles and games such as Revelation9 or Sokoban.

Please feel free to drop by my office anytime to discuss my current projects lists ... or to suggest your own.

Dr. Dalbey's home page