CSC 101 / CPE 101:
Fundamentals of Computer Science 1
Some Hints Here
Sorry, but this server won't let you just list the contents of this directory. Some of the files contained here are listed below, though I make no promises that this list is currently exhaustive. (In general, I put links to this folder in the appropriate places in the various lab and programming assignments):
Accessing your Unix account (includes link to and info on QVT_term)
An interesting table from Don Norman on human-centered versus machine-centered viewpoints.
More Hints ... from Elsewhere
Free CSc Tutoring for students taking 101, 102, 103, 108, 109, 141, and 234:
Every Sun. through Thursday night starting at 8p.m. in room 14-303 (or ask in room 14-235 for the latest location...).
Information and resources about the authors book may be found on
their website through Addison, the publisher. Try looking to see what they offer!