CSC 101 / CPE 101:
Fundamentals of Computer Science 1

Winter 2001
(Sections 01 & 02 only)
Lab #1
Due at the end of your third lab. Monday, 25 June.

Task Navigation Links:
| How to Do This Lab | Lab Login | Checklist | Unix Account |
| Background / Consent Form | Temporary Folder | DOS |
| A First Program | Compiling a Java Program | Running a Java Program |
| | PFE | | WS_FTP |
| A Second Program | Pat on the Back | Review Expectations | Lab Logout |

How to Do This Lab

Start at the top and proceed through the topics in the order given. If, for some reason, you are unable to complete a particular activity, make a note of how far you got, let your teammates complete as much of that task as they can, and then continue with the next activity.

Lab Login

If you are the first person at a machine in the morning (or the last to leave at night), then see the complete directions about how to power on (or off) the machines. Otherwise, just continue reading here:

First, make sure you understand the Important Lab Rules

Next, perform the NT login operation:

Always remember to apply the basic computing rule: If you had to log in to a system, you must also log out before leaving it.


Obtain from your instructor a copy of the Lab #1 Checklist (or use the online version to print a copy). Fill in the basic information (e.g., your name and section) now, and then continue to fill in more details as you proceed through the lab. This sheet will be the cover page for your lab assignment this week: other tasks and attachments will be described as you proceed through this lab.

Although you will work with several team members in completing this lab, each student is expected to turn in an individual copy of the Lab #1 Checklist, with appropriate attachments stapled in order behind it.

Unix Account

If you already have a Central Unix acount, you can skip to the next section. If you don't yet have one, continue here:

Background / Consent Form

Next, please fill out the online consent form. This will tell me a little bit about your background, and help us confirm that you really should be in CSC/CPE 101 this term.

Temporary Folder

Whenever you work on a PC on campus, in a CSc Lab or a public access lab, you should use a temporary Windows folder to save your work in progress. Every file that you work on during each lab session should be saved in your own temporary folder, and then moved to permanent storage at the end of your session.

While you can, in theory, use any name you'd like for your temporary folder, using something that resembles your actual name and/or your Unix login name or alias is strongly recommended. That is, Ada Lovelace might use alovelace, or Theodor Holm Nelson might use thnelson. (If you don't know who those folks are, in the history of computing, when you have a spare moment, try looking them up...) For the rest of this lab, we'll assume Ada is taking this class, and using the name indicated above for the given tasks.

First, make sure you understand the Important Temporary Folder Rules

There are at least three different ways to create a temporary folder on the D: drive:

  1. Via Windows Explorer
  2. Via DOS (more details below)
  3. Via WS_FTP (more details below)
Also, before you leave for the day, make sure you use the Important Temporary Folder Clean-up Process
DOS (some minor corrections & clarifications to this section were added on April 4)

You need to know, or to learn, how to start DOS and run DOS commands because most of your Java programming tasks will be run in DOS. If you are already familiar with DOS, just mark off the appropriate boxes on your Lab #1 Checklist and proceed to the next section. If you are unsure about any of the following tasks and examples, spend some time experimenting and discussing the results with your lab partner(s).

A First Program: Type, Compile, and Run It!

Now, at last, it's time to learn the basic steps to compile and run a Java program.

Obtain a copy of

All of your programs for this course must include internal documetation in a specified format. Later in the term, we may switch to a slightly different format but, for now, we'll start with a relatively simple template that you can use for your initial programs.

Use PFE to Create

Now you will learn to use the Programmer's File Editor. You will examine its basic features, and then use it to customized the program template with your own personal information.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the method used to copy files from one system to another. WS_FTP is the package we will use to copy files between the lab PCs and our Central Unix accounts. (If you have your own PC, you can get a copy to use in transfering files between that machine and Unix too, or to and from any machine on the Internet on which you have an account. If you have a Mac, the best FTP package for it is called Fetch.)

A Second Program

If you've gotten to this point and have some time left, here are your choices (not listed in any particular order):

Pat on the Back

If you have gotten through all this before the end of week #1, give yourself a huge pat on the back. If you have at least read this far, even if you have not yet completed all the steps, still give yourself a pat. But... there are still two more things to cover before the lab ends, so keep reading!

Review Expectations

For this lab, each student should turn in completed versions of your:

  1. Lab #1 Checklist,
  2. Jargon Worksheet (which was handed out in lecture),
  3. template printout.

Staple them together, in the order indicated (i.e., with your checklist is on top). Make sure that your name is on each sheet (in case they become separated).

Optionally, if you were able to modify Countdown10 to do all of the things described on the BONUS line, then also print that out, and staple it to the back of the list described above.

Note that, although you were to work in teams to help each other out, each class participant must submit hi/r own individual checklist, worksheet, and template printout to receive credit for this lab. And, please be honest on the checklist about what you feel you can and cannot do at the end of week #1: on this lab, I will not take off points if you say you cannot yet do something. But I do need to know what you are and are not comfortable with in order to determine what it's reasonable to expect y'all to do next. (The same thing goes for the worksheet.)

Lab Logout

If you are the last person to use a machine before the lab closes at night (or the first to arrive in the morning), then see the complete directions about how to power off (or on) the machines. Otherwise, just continue reading here:

Always back up your work before leaving the lab. Copy your files to your Central Unix account (preferred) or onto diskette (an acceptable second backup copy).

Even if a teammate backs up your work before leaving, always make your own copy too. There is a corollary to Murphy's Law ("If something can go wrong, it will.") that states: "If only one member has a copy of a team's work, that is the person who will be absent without warning from the next class!"

Once your files are backed up, remember to clean up:

Always log out from NT before leaving:

  1. Method A
  2. Method B

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Copyright © 2000 by Carol Scheftic. All rights reserved. Used by permission and modified by Clark S. Turner
Requests to reuse information from this page should be directed to Carol Scheftic.
Page created 2 April 2001; last updated 20 June 2001.

Changes after the first lab sessoin were based on student feedback. (Thanks!)

  • A few corrections and clarifications were scattered throughout the DOS section (if you are already familiar with DOS, you probably can ignore those); and
  • all other changes are after the DOS section, and they should be easy to spot because they are highlighted using this color for the text.