CSC 101 / CPE 101:
Fundamentals of Computer Science 1
Winter 2001
(Sections 01 & 02 only) |
Lab #1
Due at the end of your third lab. Monday, 25 June. |
Task Navigation Links:
How to Do This Lab |
Lab Login |
Checklist |
Unix Account |
Background / Consent Form |
Temporary Folder |
A First Program |
Compiling a Java Program |
Running a Java Program |
| |
PFE | |
A Second Program |
Pat on the Back |
Review Expectations |
Lab Logout |
How to Do This Lab
Start at the top and proceed through the topics in the order given. If, for some reason, you are unable to complete a particular activity, make a note of how far you got, let your teammates complete as much of that task as they can, and then continue with the next activity.
- You may be able to skip some of the activities entirely (e.g., if you already have a Central Unix account, you may skip the part where folks who don't would apply for one).
- You may have to skip some of the activities temporarily. In that case, make a note that you have to come back to complete this step, and just continue with the next item.
- No matter how much or how little you are able to complete in your first lab session, you must do the last item (lab logout) before you leave for the day.
- Work with your classmates: if you need help, see which other students can help you; if you understand all the steps and don't think you need any help yourself, then find someone else who is stuck on some instruction and help that person (or team)!
Lab Login
If you are the first person at a machine in the morning (or the last to leave at night), then see the
complete directions about how to power on (or off) the machines. Otherwise, just continue reading here:
First, make sure you understand the Important Lab Rules
- Never share the lab login and password with anyone (unless you are certain it is another student from your own class), not even if the person begs or offers to bribe you or....
- If you encounter an empty machine that someone has left logged on, perform the log out operation to secure it, and then log back in using your assigned login and password.
- When you are ready to leave, always:
- back-up your files (to Central Unix and/or diskette),
- move your temporary files to the Recycle Bin,
- empty the Recycle Bin, and
- always log out from NT before leaving.
- Always make sure a machine is
fully shut down
before turning off its power. Alternatively,
never power off a machine
until after it has full shut down. (Even if a machine seems to be unresponsive, turning the power off can cause more problems than it might ever solve!)
Next, perform the NT login operation:
- Simultaneously press the keys for Control Alt Delete (it's often easiest to press Control and Alt first, hold them down, then press the Delete key and, finally, release all three.)
- Enter the appropriate user name and password:
- for a lab in room 14-302:
username = s302, password = (obtain from your instructor)
- for a lab in room 14-303:
username = s303, password = (obtain from your instructor)
- while the login and passwords for 302 and 303 will work in both rooms, and each set should also work downstairs in room 14-235.
- Press the left mouse button on the word Login.
Always remember to apply the basic computing rule: If you had to log in to a system, you must also
log out before leaving it.
Obtain from your instructor a copy of the Lab #1 Checklist (or use the online version to print a copy). Fill in the basic information (e.g., your name and section) now, and then continue to fill in more details as you proceed through the lab. This sheet will be the cover page for your lab assignment this week: other tasks and attachments will be described as you proceed through this lab.
Although you will work with several team members in completing this lab, each student is expected to turn in an individual copy of the Lab #1 Checklist, with appropriate attachments stapled in order behind it.
Unix Account
If you already have a Central Unix acount, you can skip to the next section. If you don't yet have one, continue here:
- Follow the instructions provided by Computing Services.
- It will take half an hour to an hour for your account to be activated. For now, skip to the section on describing your background, but remember to come back and finish the Blackboard Account step later today, either in this room or from any computer with web access, or in our next lab session.
Background / Consent Form
Next, please fill out the online consent form. This will tell me a little bit about your background, and help us confirm that you really should be in CSC/CPE 101 this term.
Temporary Folder
Whenever you work on a PC on campus, in a CSc Lab or a public access lab, you should use a temporary Windows folder to save your work in progress. Every file that you work on during each lab session should be saved in your own temporary folder, and then moved to permanent storage at the end of your session.
While you can, in theory, use any name you'd like for your temporary folder, using something that resembles your actual name and/or your Unix login name or alias is strongly recommended. That is, Ada Lovelace might use alovelace, or Theodor Holm Nelson might use thnelson. (If you don't know who those folks are, in the history of computing, when you have a spare moment, try looking them up...) For the rest of this lab, we'll assume Ada is taking this class, and using the name indicated above for the given tasks.
First, make sure you understand the Important Temporary Folder Rules
- Always create your temporary folder on drive D: (and, specifically, not on drive C:).
- Understand that anything you save in this temporary folder is not permanent: any user who logs on to the same machine can delete your folder and its files, and you have no recourse nor excuse., and stray files left on the machines will be routinely deleted during disk clean-up.
- Understand that anything you save in this temporary folder is not private: any user who logs on to the same machine can make a copy of your folder and its files. (Warning: if someone copies your files from a temporary folder and turns them in as their own, you can still be charged with cheating because you should not have left your work in such a public location!) At the end of your session: make a backup copy (to your Central Unix account, to a floppy disk, or both), delete your files, and empty the trash.
- With all those warnings, why would you want to use a temporary folder: because it's an efficient and effective way to work. The backup and cleanup only take a moment once you learn the process. Really!
There are at least three different ways to create a temporary folder on the D: drive:
- Via Windows Explorer
- To start Windows Explorer, select (left-click) each of these, in order: Start / Programs / Windows NT Explorer
(or use the shortcut: Right-click on Start, then select Explore)
- Select D:
- Select the File Menu (at the left on the top menu bar) and drag across New > Folder
- Type over the words New Folder. That is, Ada would type alovelace at this point.
- Via DOS (more details below)
- Open a DOS window
- Change to the D: drive: at the prompt, type the command cd D:
- Make the necessary directory: at the DOS prompt, Ada would type the command mkdir alovelace (you would also use mkdir, but substitute your own name)
- Via WS_FTP (more details below)
- Launch WS-FTP
- In the Local System window, open (double-click) to the location (drive D) in which you want to create your new folder
- Prepare to make your new directory by selecting the MkDir button
- Type in the folder name you want to use (i.e., Ada would type alovelace)
- Click OK (or take the default by pressing the <enter> key)
Also, before you leave for the day, make sure you use the Important Temporary Folder Clean-up Process
- Save backup copies of any files you wish to keep.
- It is strongly recommended that you use WS_FTP to save copies to your UNIX account.
- You may want to make a second backup copy to diskette (either via Save As before you quit, or via Windows NT Explorer after you have quit the editor), but do not rely on diskette storage alone.
- Trash your temporary folder and its contents. Here is the process using Windows NT Explorer.
- Delete your temporary files by putting them into recycling:
Select the folder (click once on it) or the group of adjacent files or folders (drag your mouse over them) that you want to delete, and then do either one of the following:
- Drag (put your mouse cursor over one of the selected items, press down on the mouse button and hold the button down while you slide the mouse) to the Recycle Bin, or
- From the menu bar select File > Delete
Hint: do this as soon as you realize you no longer need a file, either as you work or as you prepare to log out and leave.
- Empty the trash to permanently remove your files:
From the Desktop, select the Recycle Bin (trash can icon), and:
- From the menu bar select File > Empty Recycle Bin
- Click on Yes.
- Note that you can perform the above process as needed during your session. One good approach is to delete files as soon as you realize you no longer need them. either as you work or at the end of your session, and then empty the trash to really remove all of them as the last thing before you log out.
DOS (some minor corrections & clarifications to this section were added on April 4)
You need to know, or to learn, how to start DOS and run DOS commands because most of your Java programming tasks will be run in DOS. If you are already familiar with DOS, just mark off the appropriate boxes on your Lab #1 Checklist and proceed to the next section. If you are unsure about any of the following tasks and examples, spend some time experimenting and discussing the results with your lab partner(s).
- To start DOS, either:
- If there is an MS-DOS icon on the desktop, you can launch it from there.
- If there is an MS-DOS icon on the tool bar along the right side of the screen, you can launch it from there.
- If neither of those appear possible, select these menu items: Start > Programs > Command Prompt
- To see what's in the current DOS folder/directory, type the DOS command dir and then press the <enter> key. (FYI,
stands for dir
ectory listing; the Unix command for a directory l
ting is ls
- To change to a different directory/folder from the current one, follow the appropriate steps below:
- To change to another drive, type the drive letter followed by a colon. That is, to change to the D: drive, type simply D: and then press the <enter> key.
- To change to another directory inside the current one, give the
hange d
irectory command (cd) followed by the name of the directory you want. That is, from the D: drive, if Ada wanted to go to her temporary folder, she would type cd alovelace and then press the <enter> key.
- To go to a sub-folder whose location is known on another drive, use a combination of the above commands, separating parts of the path with backslash (\) characters. That is, from the C: drive, if Ada wanted to go to a sub-folder, Lab1, of her temporary folder, she would type D: and, once there, cd alovelace\Lab1 (she would, of course, press the <enter> key at the end of each command).
- Once inside her Lab1 folder, to move up one level, to the folder that contains it, cd .. is the command she would use.
- If necessary, you can use other combinations. For example, you might change to another drive, list the current directory, change to a new directory inside that, list its contents, and so on, until you arrived at the desired location.
- To make a new directory, use the mkdir command followed by the new folder name. That is, if Ted Nelson wanted to make a new folder on the D: drive, he would first move there (D:) and then type mkdir thnelson (following each command with a press of the <enter> key).
- If Ted then wanted to create separate folders for several different labs, he could do it in two steps:
- Change to his new directory (cd thnelson).
- Make several directories at one time (mkdir Lab1 Lab2 Lab3).
- Note: DOS remembers upper and lower case in folder and file names, but doesn't itself care which ones you type. UNIX, and some aspects of Java, do care. So be careful with case in creating folders and files. (See Appendix G of the text for the naming conventions to follow.) For example:
- Folders named Lab1 and lab1 will be considered the same by DOS, but different by UNIX.
- Files named and will be considered the same by DOS but different by Java.
- You can delete files and folders while in DOS:
- To delete a single file, use the del (
ete) command followed by the filename. That is, to remove the file, you would type del followed by the <enter> key.
- To remove an empty directory, use the rmdir (
ove dir
ectory) command followed by the folder name. That is, to remove the folder lab1, you would type rmdir lab1 followed by the <enter> key.
- To remove a directory that is not empty, you must first remove its contents. Wildcards can be used. That is, if the folder lab1 contains several Java program files that all end with the extenstion .java, then you would:
- Change to that directory ( cd lab1 ).
- Remove all the .java file ( del *.java ).
- Move up to the folder that contains lab1 ( cd .. ).
- Remove the lab1 directory ( rmdir lab1 ).
A First Program: Type, Compile, and Run It!
Now, at last, it's time to learn the basic steps to compile and run a Java program.
- Make sure you have created a temporary folder on the D: drive in which to save your work. You must do this before you can proceed.
- Download the file called
- Put your mouse over the link.
- Press down on the right mouse button. (On a Mac, you would press and hold the mouse button down.)
- Choose the option Save Link As.
- Ada would follow the path to D:\alovelace but you should follow the appropriate path to your temporary directory.
- Open a DOS window
(described above).
- In the DOS window, change to your working directory (Ada would type cd D:\alovelace).
- Take a look at the program by typing it to the screen. Enter either (you must type in the word type shown in bold below):
- type and then press the <enter> key or, if the top of that scrolls off the window too fast, then
- type | more and then press the <enter> key (where the vertical bar character before the space before the word more is entered by holding down the shift and pressing the key with that bar on it, located near the upper right edge of the main keyboard, above the enter key), where you should then press the space bar or the enter key to progress through the program.
- To compile the program, enter the DOS command javac followed by the program name with the .java extension, and press the enter key once you have done so. For example: javac
- To run the program, enter the DOS command java followed by the program name without the .java extension, and press the enter key once you have done so. For example: java Countdown
Obtain a copy of
All of your programs for this course
must include internal documetation in a specified format. Later in the term, we may switch to a slightly different format but, for now, we'll start with a relatively simple template that you can use for your initial programs.
- As with the Countdown program, you will have to save this template in the temporary folder you created on the D: drive. You must have such a folder before you can proceed.
- Download the file called
- Put your mouse over the link.
- Press down on the right mouse button. (On a Mac, you would press and hold the mouse button down.)
- Choose the option Save Link As.
- Ada would follow the path to D:\alovelace but you should follow the appropriate path to your temporary directory.
Use PFE to Create
Now you will learn to use the Programmer's File Editor. You will examine its basic features, and then use it to customized the program template with your own personal information.
- Launch PFE
- In our lab at least, there should be an icon for PFE on the desktop. If you find one, just double-click on it.
- If you don't see an icon right on the desktop, look for a small PFE icon next on any tool bars visible on the desktop.
- If you still haven't found it, use the Windows Find feature (Start > Find > Find Files) to search for it, and then double-click on the icon when you do locate it.
- Examine the various interface features included, both typical and interesting, such as:
- File > New and File > Open to begin editing.
- File > Save and File > Save As for saving your work. (Hint: Save often. Very often. Learn the keystroke equivalent for Save, and get into the habit of just pressing those keys every time you stop for a moment to think.)
- The 1AB/2CL icon (second menu bar icon at the right) turns line numbers on and off in the display. It does not add or delete them to the file, just the display. This will be useful later on, when you are debugging your programs, and know that an error occured at a particular line number.
- The DOS icon on the top menu bar opens a DOS window, and automatically sets it to the same directory as the file you are currently editing. This will be useful as you write, compile, debug, and recompile your programs.
- As you work with PFE in the remainder of this lab, look around at the program: each team member should take time to discover several apparent features, different from those found by the others, and can explain it to his/her team members.
- Use PFE to open
- While you have open in PFE, look at another version of it here in your web browser. Notice the color-coding in this html-version. (Do not try to copy the .html version written for display in a web browser! Work with the .java one that you already downloaded.)
- In PFE, edit the file this way:
- Confirm that you made no serious typing errors by launching a DOS window, compiling, and running your template program. Note that, since it's a template, you should not get any errors. The point is that, if something does happen--if you do get any compile or run time errors, then you should go back and fix them right away. The last thing you want to be debugging in a real program is a typing error in your template! (Note: Actually, you should get one error because, in general, the "class name" inside the file should match the file name itself. As described in this process, it won't. You can either live with this error--after noting it for future reference, in case you see this problem with real programs later on--or you can change the classname inside your template (search to find the word class--you should notice it on lines 2 and 48--and make change to the word "template1" on each of those lines) so it matches your new filename, to make sure that's the only thing that is wrong.)
- When you are done, trade seats with a teammate.
- As your team members cycle through this process, examine the other colored items in the web-based version of this file. Notice that, in addition to adding your actual program code, the parts in bright red will have to be edited every time you develop a new program file.
- The next person should return to PFE and do a File > Open to bring back the original template1.html, edit hi/r information into the file, and do another File > Save As to the appropriate name (for example, Ted might call his template
- Repeat this cycle until every team member has made these changes.
- Once all team members have their templates saved, proceed with the next section.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the method used to copy files from one system to another. WS_FTP is the package we will use to copy files between the lab PCs and our Central Unix accounts. (If you have your own PC, you can get a copy to use in transfering files between that machine and Unix too, or to and from any machine on the Internet on which you have an account. If you have a Mac, the best FTP package for it is called Fetch.)
- Before you can transfer files to your Unix account, you must have activated your Unix account. If you have not yet done that, stop here for now, and go take care of that immediately!
- Launch WS-FTP
- In our lab, there may be an icon for WS-FTP on the desktop. If you find one, just double-click on it.
- If you don't see an icon right on the desktop, look for a small icon with blue FTP letters on any tool bars visible on the desktop (e.g., in lab, look along the right edge of the screen).
- If you still haven't found it, use the Windows Find feature (Start > Find > Find Files) to search for it, and then double-click on the icon when you do locate it.
- Connect to the remote host (the other machine). In the Session Properties window, under the General tab, where it asks for Host Name/Address, you enter the target machine.
- For Cal Poly's Central Unix, if you are connecting from somewhere on campus, enter enough to identify it (i.e., polylog1).
- For Cal Poly's Central Unix, if you are connecting from somewhere off campus, enter the full name (i.e.,
- For any other Internet host on which you have an account, enter its full name (e.g., or
- Log in to the remote host.
- For User ID, enter your Unix login name (e.g., Ted might be able to use thnelson, if that is what he had been assigned by computing services; but Ada's login cannot actually be alovelace because a Central Unix login name is never more than 8 characters long). If you type it incorrectly and don't stop to correct it, you will eventually get an error (but it might take a couple more steps before that appears...).
- Enter your password. Don't worry if you hit the enter key by mistake: you'll just get a new box that ask for your password. Notice that your password will not actually appear: you'll just see some * characters. If there are already some * characters displayed in the box, type over them to replace them with your password.
- Click OK or press the enter key.
- If your login fails (due to an error in your hostname, login name, or password), you will get an error message and, with WS-FTP a little voice that says "uh oh." If that happens:
- From the bottom menu bar, click on Connect.
- Repeat the steps for the Session Properties.
- Repeat the steps for User ID and Password.
- Take care as you type, especially on the password that does not echo back onto the screen for you to see.
- If the problem persists, seek help from someone else.
- Create a directory in your UNIX account in which to save your work for CSC/CPE-101.
- The window on the right is your remote host (e.g., Central Unix or another host). When you first connect, you will normally find yourself at the top level of your own UNIX directory.
- Use MkDir to make a new directory for your work in this course. Give it a name like 101 or csc101 or CPE101. Note that
- UNIX is case-sensitive: although it's your choice if you want to use upper or lower case letters, once you've made that choice you must always refer to a folder (or file) with the same case for its letters (unless you later rename it...).
- It is strongly recommended that the only characters you use in UNIX filenames are alphabetic characters (upper or lower case), numbers, plus the period (.) and underscore (_) characters. While it is possible to use other characters and/or spaces, these often require special handling. It's easier, for this course at least, to follow this course-rule: in folder and file names use only letters, numbers, plus the period and underscore characters.
- The use of sub-folders is permitted, even recommended. Thus, you may want to create individual folders within your csc101 folder (or whatever you chose to call yours), for groups of lab and/or programming assignments (e.g, Lab1, Lab2, Program1, Program2, etc.).
- This UNIX folder and any subfolders are now permanent: only you can add or remove files, or remove the directory itself.
- Upload a copy of your file(s) to the remote host. Note that all any FTP package does is to make copies: it doesn't move a file (the original remains where it started from, although it now has an indentical clone in the other location), and it doesn't establish any sort of connection between the two copies (if you change the original on the D: drive, the one on the remote UNIX host remains the same as the older version until you deliberately copy the new version out there; if you delete one the other remains in place until you take steps to delete it as well).
- The window on the left is your local machine (the PC in our lab, or your machine at home). Click through the directories until you locate the files or folders you want to copy to the other location.
- Remember, the window on the right is your remote host (e.g., Central Unix or another host). Click through the directores until you are "looking inside" the folder where you want to put your copies. (Hint: you cannot just get close and select the remote directory, you have to actually open it up so you are looking inside it.) If you want to copy several files at once to a single location, you can do that. If you want to copy files from or into different folders (without just replacing the entire folder), however, then you will have to transfer from or to each different location individually.
- In the left (local) window, scroll as necessary until you can see the file(s) or folder(s) you want to copy. Now, you have two options for how you copy a file from the PC to your UNIX account:
- Select (single click) on the file in the left (local) window and then click on the -> arrow that points toward the right (remote / Unix) window, or
- Double-click on the file in the left (local) window and it will immediately be copied to the right (remote / Unix) location.
- Use the same process for copying an entire folder that is described above for a file.
- To select more than one file and/or folder at a time, hold down the SHIFT and CONTROL keys as you single click on your choices, then use the appropriate arrow to move them.
- To copy files in the other direction, just reverse the process: have the appropriate windows open, and then either double click in the righ (remote) window or select and use the <- arrow that points toward the left, and you will download copies to the local (left) folder.
- When you are done (not yet! - continue with this lab for a moment), select either the Exit button at the bottom right or the Window kill (X) button in the uppermost right corner of the window.
- Note: You can run some local system commands from within WS-FTP too. For example, you can make a new directory (MkDir), Rename a folder or file, or Delete a file or an empty folder. If you are already running this program, using its options can sometimes turn out to be easier than doing the equivalent operations in a DOS or Windows NT Explorer window.
- What should you copy to your Unix account as part of this lab?
- (so you'll have it for future programming assignments)
- (so you can start from scratch with it for team lab programs, rather than having to use your personal template file)
- any other files you'd like to keep (e.g., or, at your discretion
- In future work sessions, you can start out by connecting via WS_FTP and making a copy of any of these saved files back down to a temporary directory on your local machine. You can work on them locally (edit, compile, etc.) and, when finished, copy updated versions back into your Unix account.
A Second Program
If you've gotten to this point and have some time left, here are your choices (not listed in any particular order):
- Experiment with compiling and running, then editing, recompiling, and rerunning a second program.
- Download to your temporary directory.
- Compile and run it.
- Change line 153
Countdown10 rocket = new Countdown10();
Countdown10 rocket = new Countdown10(100);
- Compile and run it again
- Change line 159
- Compile and run it again
- Discuss the results with your teammates.
- BONUS: See if you can find all the changes you need to make to have it count down from 10,000 to 0 by hundreds, still printing 10 numbers separated by an elipsis (...) on each line. (Actually, counting from 10,000 to 0 by hundreds, you'll likely end up with one line having only one number, and ten lines with ten numbers each.)
- Go around the room and see if you can help any other teams to overcome any problems they may be having.
- If another group is doing something different from what your team did, don't assume they are wrong and you were right. It is possible that they are just using a different approach. Try to understand it: you may learn something. Even if it turns out that they are doing something wrong, try to figure out why they might have thought to try to pursue that or how they should have known something was wrong: you may learn something about problem-solving that will prove useful when you or another team you are on goes down an incorrect path in the future.
Pat on the Back
If you have gotten through all this before the end of week #1, give yourself a huge pat on the back. If you have at least read this far, even if you have not yet completed all the steps, still give yourself a pat. But... there are still two more things to cover before the lab ends, so keep reading!
Review Expectations
For this lab, each student should turn in completed versions of your:
- Lab #1 Checklist,
- Jargon Worksheet (which was handed out in lecture),
- template printout.
Staple them together, in the order indicated (i.e., with your checklist is on top). Make sure that your name is on each sheet (in case they become separated).
Optionally, if you were able to modify Countdown10 to do all of the things described on the BONUS line, then also print that out, and staple it to the back of the list described above.
Note that, although you were to work in teams to help each other out, each class participant must submit hi/r own individual checklist, worksheet, and template printout to receive credit for this lab. And, please be honest on the checklist about what you feel you can and cannot do at the end of week #1: on this lab, I will not take off points if you say you cannot yet do something. But I do need to know what you are and are not comfortable with in order to determine what it's reasonable to expect y'all to do next. (The same thing goes for the worksheet.)
Lab Logout
If you are the last person to use a machine before the lab closes at night (or the first to arrive in the morning), then see the
complete directions about how to power off (or on) the machines. Otherwise, just continue reading here:
Always back up your work before leaving the lab.
Copy your files to your Central Unix account (preferred)
or onto diskette (an acceptable second backup copy).
Even if a teammate backs up your work before leaving,
always make your own copy too.
There is a corollary to Murphy's Law
("If something can go wrong, it will.")
that states:
"If only one member has a copy of a team's work,
that is the person who will be absent without warning
from the next class!"
Once your files are backed up, remember to clean up:
- move your temporary files to the Recycle Bin,
- empty the Recycle Bin, and then...
Always log out from NT before leaving:
- Method A
- Move the mouse cursor over the word Start on the task bar at bottom left of screen, and click the left mouse button.
- Move mouse cursor over the word Shutdown (the bottom menu item).
- From the options given, click the left mouse button on the mark next to "Close all programs and log on as a different user?" (Since this is the normal default, it may already be selected: If so, you may just press the <enter> key.)
- From the options given, click the left mouse button on the mark next to "Yes" (If this is already be selected as the default, you may just press the <enter> key.)
- Method B
- Press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously.
- Left click on Logoff (or, use tab key to move to this selection and then press the <enter> key).
- Left click on OK (or, press the <enter> key).
Site Navigation Links:
Copyright © 2000
by Carol Scheftic.
All rights reserved. Used by permission and modified by Clark S. Turner
Requests to reuse information from this page should be directed to Carol Scheftic.
Page created 2 April 2001;
last updated
20 June 2001.
Changes after the first lab sessoin were based on student feedback. (Thanks!)
- A few corrections and clarifications were scattered throughout the DOS section (if you are already familiar with DOS, you probably can ignore those); and
- all other changes are after the DOS section, and they should be easy to spot because they are highlighted using this color for the text.