PROGRAMMING PROJECT 7, 8, 9 on page 179 of your textbook. Read the problem over carefully. I am considering use of project 7 as the main feature, 8 and 9 for extra credit.
Write a program that draws a bar graph of the given table.
Problem Constant
the bar width
Problem Input
the five possible grades
the number of students that got each grade
Problem Output
a histogram
Relevant Formulas and Relationships
bar height = 5 * the number of students with that grade
Identify the Classes
application class GradeHistogram.
JOptionPane class to be used for interactive input/output
String class for message to be used by JOptionPane method
Class GradeHistogram
Data Fields Attribute
x1 top left corner of rectangle for grade A
x2 top left corner of rectangle for grade B
x5 top left corner of rectangle for grade F
numA number of students with grade A
numB number of students with grade B
numC number of students with grade C
numD number of students with grade D
numF number of students with grade F
Methods Behavior
paint() draws a grade histogram of the given data
Classes Used
Algorithm for paint()
HTML file for the GradeHistogram applet
<applet code = GradeHistogram.class width = 300 height = 300>