Program assignment for the 6th week. CPE 101, sections 02 and 03 C.S. Turner Due Tuesday, 13 May, at 9 pm. First, you made it through the first midterm. We'll go over the midterm on Tuesday in class, you are welcome to come see me during Monday office hours with any concerns. Remember to check the grade breakdown (syllabus on the website) and put your efforts into perspective. Your labs, programs and quizzes all contribute to your overall grade. Make sure you read over and study Chapter 4 this weekend. We'll have a quiz next week to put all the Chapter 4 ideas together. This is really a start on study for the final, and if you keep up a reasonable set of study habits, the final exam will be more relaxed for you :-) I want you to work a Programming Project from your textbook this weekend. I will give you till Tuesday evening to turn it in so that you can see Tutors if you feel the need. Before you go to tutoring, do check with class friends, sit together and try to work it out, and note that many examples in the book play directly into this programming exercise. Look through the chapters for hints and code you can modify and use. Remember to comment that you used the book code as a template if you do so. I recommend highly that you "design" your code up front BEFORE you write a single line of Java. Time and again, this is shown to help you avoid errors and write cleaner code in the end. Try using the "UML" style diagrams I have shown you, or devise your own way to draw classes as separate "boxes" and write inside the boxes all the methods and data you believe you will need to do the job. Then you may draw lines from one class to another showing the method calls and parameters / return types you will need. This is the way the professional programmer does the job and it works. An hour spent this way may save you three hours later. Honest. Do Programming Project number 8 a) and b) on page 268 of Chapter 4. I would like you to do the followup, Programming Project number 9, for extra credit, it is not much more to do as you will find.