CSC 205: Syllabus

Wie # n refers to chapter #n in Weigers, Software Requirements
Other reading will be assigned as necessary during the term

*Please further note, this syllabus is approximate, since the course is dynamic
and self-modifying, the schedule and readings may change.
Week  Lecture Topic  Reading  Labs/Deliverable 
3/27  Admin. Class list 
Lifecycle Models 
Teams, Communication
Chaos, The Standish Group
A Student Survival Guide by Stephanie Ludi
Rational Design Process by Parnas
Self evaluation 
Milestone 0
4/3 Requirements engineering, 
Business and user requirements
Project vision and scope
Wie # 1, 2, 3, 6
Ch 1, 2, 3 in Brooks
Eval competition
Prep client interview
4/10  Requirements elicitation 
Risk management
Wie # 5, 7, 8 
Ch 16 in Brooks
Vision and Scope Statement (4/14)
4/17 Documenting and Prioritizing Requirements Wie # 9, 10, 13 Project Risks Doc
4/24 Estimation and Scheduling
Design principals
Wie # 5, 12
Self and Team evaluations
5/1 Design Notations
UML, formal methods
Wie # 15
exam on Monday!
Requirements Doc (5/3)
5/8 System design models, 
Object Oriented Design


5/15 Design Analysis and Verification Wie # 11, 12, 14 Complete Requirements doc
Data Dictionary
5/22  Group Project Presentations Wie # 15, 16, 17, 18 Acceptance Test Plan,
Design Document 
5/29  Memorial Day holiday
Group Project Presentations
Brooks Ch 17, 18 Complete Set of Final Docs (6/2)
Finals Week