Learning Software Engineering by Doing: Progress
Report on a Capstone Sequence Involving Student Managed Teams
Clark Savage Turner, Gene Fisher, Daniel Stearns
Department of Computer Science
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Email: {csturner, gfisher, dstearns}@calpoly.edu
Cal Poly recently instituted
a software engineering major, which includes a yearlong capstone project
course. The main goals include:
In order to meet these goals,
the sophomore-level software engineering courses are aligned with senior-level
courses. The lectures run
independently with appropriate focus, but the labs are coordinated so that the
seniors provide technical leadership, mentoring and responsibility for
deliverables for the teams of sophomores.
In the first two years,
industrial partners sponsored the project. The fall quarter began with a senior-level course in
requirements engineering: the seniors developed the requirements specification
document with the industrial partners.
During the following two quarters the sophomore teams would design,
construct, and deploy a product to those specifications under the management of
the seniors.
Difficulties in course implementation for the first two years led to analysis of student, faculty and industrial partner feedback. Due to extreme coordination difficulties, a university project replaced the external project and industrial partner. Further, the sophomores were unprepared to participate in software construction without domain knowledge, so the courses were realigned so that the sophomores would be involved in the requirements engineering and construction (but not deployment).
This paper provides a
progress report for the third year (2003-2004) of Cal PolyÕs Capstone Sequence
and preliminary analysis of changes and effects.
California Polytechnic State
University (Cal Poly) was founded a century ago with a special mission --
knowledge is best gained through the application of theory to practical
problems. The Cal Poly motto ÒLearn by doingÓ is widely quoted and permeates all degree
programs. Cal Poly hosts several
nationally-ranked engineering programs and graduates a thousand engineers per
year. Each graduate completes an
extensive general education program combined with study of a specific
engineering discipline. Graduates enter their careers with a practical
understanding of their profession due to a series of lab and real-life
experiences that apply theory to real engineering problems.
The Computer Science
Department resides in the College of Engineering at Cal Poly. It hosts three undergraduate majors Ð
Computer Science, Computer Engineering and now the Bachelor of Science in
Software Engineering (SE). All
three majors prepare students for professional careers in software and hardware
development. A large majority of
the graduates enter the workplace immediately after graduation.
The proposed SE curriculum
complements the existing computer science program emphasis on a solid base of
concepts and technology skills with an introduction to resource and technical
management. The challenge has been
to fit these additional learning units into a four-year program without
sacrificing other valuable requirements.
The challenge is addressed through two tightly interwoven sequences of
courses. An initial two-course
sequence is offered in the second year to introduce software engineering
principles while students construct a sponsored software product. In the fourth year, in a three-course
Capstone Sequence, students study advanced software engineering and lead a team
to develop a software product.
This sequence comprises three courses taken consecutively in a single
academic year. For the purposes of
this paper, the three capstone courses are designated as follows:
Elicitation (402): In
this course, the students elicit requirements from the users and write a
software requirements specification. The course content includes formal specification
writing, requirements modeling, rapid prototyping, and elicitation techniques.
Software Construction
(405): In
this course, the students build the initial version of the software product and
deploy that version at the customer's site. The course content includes design modeling, software
construction techniques, software quality assurance, and software project
Software Deployment
(406): The
students maintain the product during this course. They add functionality to the product, repair defects,
create variants and perform usability testing. The course involves release
management, software maintenance, deployment practices, software quality
metrics, and metric-based process improvements.
See Figure 1 and Table I for
information regarding these two sequences and their alignment with the
sophomore level courses.
This is the third report
regarding the Capstone projects.
It is provided to illustrate the more critical questions raised, to
examine the tradeoffs made, and to analyze results so far.
This report starts with a brief history of past Capstone
Projects. The current project and
its relevant details are then given.
The Requirements Elicitation Course is then examined followed by the Software
Construction Course. Analysis and thoughts about future
changes in the structure and goals of the courses are provided at the end of
the paper.
To date, the Capstone
Sequence has run three times. The
Software Requirements Elicitation
Course ran independently the first and second times. The next two courses, Software Construction and Software Deployment were aligned with the sophomore Intro to SE I and Intro to SE II, respectively, so that the senior SE students
performed management duties and were responsible for the deliverables for these
three different projects.
While both the faculty and
the students learned a lot of software engineering and deemed the whole
sequence a success, the following concerns arose:
On that basis, the decision
was made to take on only one industrial partner who offered a strong commitment
to follow through with the project.
Further, the project would be chosen so that the domain was not so
difficult for the students and the necessary tools and environments were
already familiar to them. See
generally [1].
During the second run of the Capstone
Sequence, the changes were
implemented. One industrial
partner was chosen; their project appeared to be reasonable in scope and their
commitment strong. The sequence
again provided a generally successful industrial software engineering
experience. Efforts to analyze and
improve noted the following difficulties:
These observations resulted
in two changes to the Capstone Sequence:
The structure of the current
sequence reflects the changes made over the previous two. The aligned courses share a
common laboratory space and time so that the Capstone student managers have
scheduled blocks of time to manage their Intro to SE teams.
The current structure is given below in Figure 1. Further background in the individual
courses is given in Table 1 below that.
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There are 10 teams involved
in the realigned pairs of courses; each team has selected one of the following
three projects to complete. All
three projects have similar attributes: the domain is reasonable for sophomores
and the main user is a Software Engineering faculty member.
Electronic Classroom Description
An ideal lecture medium
allows the sharing of information between instructor and students. Few lectures
fulfill this ideal. Time and resources are used in photocopying lecture
material, handing out papers, and taking attendance. Instructors use the chalkboard to write down important
topics and notes. Students copy the information and add their personal
Eclass allows the instructor
to display lecture material and notes as he wishes on a classroom overhead
display. It differs from a traditional lecture presentation because the
material is simultaneously available on each studentÕs classroom machine and
can be made available remotely or for later use. The student need not copy anything and can add his own notes
with ease. In addition, the
student can interact with the instructor and the lecture: she may write or draw
something that is displayed to all of the students in the room, in the style of
an electronic whiteboard.
Grader Tool Description
Many teachers spend time
organizing and recording grades and assignments. With a spreadsheet GUI, Gradepad allows teachers to enter
grades into a class roster downloaded from a campus database. Teachers can
peruse grade categories such as "Tests" and "Quizzes," and
they can also zoom in on a category to check student scores on individual
Gradepad also calculates a
variety of statistics and displays them graphically. Teachers can graphically
adjust pie charts and histograms to adjust their actual grade distribution. Finally,
they may configure a late policy based on grace days and decay to automatically
deduct points for late assignments.
Students can also use Gradepad - to display their grades
and pose grade projection scenarios. The grade projection feature allows a
student to forecast her final grade based upon predictions for future
assignments. Also, the students may submit assignments electronically to
Gradepad and receive a record of the submission.
Examination Tool
Description (Testtool)
Testtool allows a professor
to write and store questions in a central database and to use those
questions to automatically generate examinations, using a variety of selectable
criteria. The examinations can be
automatically graded by Testtool if desired.
Testool allows a proctor
to administer a test in a computer lab setting
that gives students a comfortable environment. If the test is graded by Testtool,
students get immediate feedback on their examination.
Software Requirements Elicitation Course (CSC 402)
Since the courses were
realigned, there were teams of 4 to 6 sophomores managed by the senior Requirements
Elicitation students. Each team worked on one of the
projects. Three Intro sections were taught, so each of the three projects
had three teams assigned to it.
A single set of lecture
slides and materials were used for all three Intro sections taught by the two instructors to promote
consistency among the students on the teams to be managed. The process used was fairly formal, the
RSL specification language [3] was used, and student teams were expected to
follow standard operating procedures.
For more insight into the process and materials used, the class webpages
may be viewed at waldorf.csc.calpoly.edu/~gfisher under the current CSC 205 and
CSC 402 pages.
Though users outside the
software engineering faculty were identified and participated to some extent,
the student teams had biweekly formal meetings with one or both instructors and
came to rely on those meetings for requirements elicitation activities.
At the outset of the Requirements
Elicitation course in Fall 2003, the
objectives were:
1. To
develop a requirements specification for three SE faculty software products.
2. To build a rapid prototype of the
3. To learn about software project leadership.
4. To
reinforce the learning objectives of Intro to SE I.
To achieve the first
objective, the students were initially given a two-fold job description:
As the quarter evolved, this
job description was revised to allow the Requirements Elicitation students to choose how much actual development to do
themselves. They were told that
their course performance evaluations would be "product based", that
is, they would be graded on the objective quality of the produced product,
versus subjectively on their leadership abilities. Hence, it was up to them to choose how much development work
to assign to themselves and to the Intro students.
By the end of the term, only
three of the twenty-five Requirements Elicitation students had done any substantial work on the
requirements specification themselves.
The other twenty-two students had focused on leading the Intro students in their work. For those teams who produced a product of reasonable
quality, the leaders did spend a considerable amount of time reviewing and
editing the Intro students' work, but the Intro students were directly
responsible for the delivered work products.
This style of work appears to
have led to an inferior-quality work product compared to one where the Requirements
Elicitation students have done more
of the work themselves. In
general, the first course objective, that of a production-quality requirements
specification, was far too ambitious.
It was not achievable given the other course objectives.
Regarding the second course
objective, that of a rapid prototype, only three of the nine project teams
produced a reasonable result.
Postmortem evaluation of this result is again that this objective was
too ambitious given the other objectives.
The third objective on
project leadership was very well achieved. All Requirements Elicitation students were required to assume leadership
duties. As is of course expected,
some performed better than others, however all learned a great deal from their
leadership experiences.
The last course objective was
to have Requirements Elicitation
students learn more about the technical material of CSC 205. That is, Requirements Elicitation students were to learn more about writing functional
requirements, specifying requirements models, testing requirements
specifications, and project configuration management. To the extent that managing these activities constitutes
"learning more" about them, this goal was achieved. However, at the outset of the term, the
instructor had some more specific technical learning objectives in mind such
as: requirements specification for distributed systems, specification testing
via formal model checking, and advanced aspects of version control using CVS
(the Concurrent Version-Control System).
Given the evolution of the course to a predominant focus on leadership
and management, the objectives for advanced technical learning were not
At the end of the term, the Requirements
Elicitation students were asked to
comment on their experiences in the class, and to comment on how the course
could be improved in the future.
In particular, the students were asked to give answers to the following
topic-related questions:
A summary of student responses to these questions is presented in the conclusions.
Software Construction
Course (CSC 405)
The Software Construction course (405) was aligned with the sophomore level
(206) course, primarily the same students that took the Intro to SE I course
and wrote the requirements. Most
of the Construction course
students served as leader of a team charged to construct the products from the
requirements. The project portion
of this course had a simple objective - build a product that could be deployed
to the software engineering faculty.
The Construction course has several objectives revolving around the
design and implementation of a large project:
(1) to learn the principles of software design and apply
them to the project;
(2) to learn how to work on a team (typically 8-12
(3) to learn the fundamentals of software testing and
apply them to the project;
(4) to learn and apply software project management skills;
(5) to learn and apply Software Quality Assurance
Three software projects were selected for the Capstone Sequence; each project was of interest to the Software
Engineering faculty. As decided
after the last sequence ran, there was no industrial partner involvement
although several users outside the SE faculty were identified. Those users contributed slightly,
only during the requirements elicitation phase. For all practical purposes, the students viewed their
course instructions as the user.
There is a substantive difference between a project built for an industrial partner and a project controlled by a course instructor. Observations and discussions with students are clear. A project for an industrial partner creates more difficulties for the students because:
Leader grades
A critical decision was made
when the capstone courses were designed.
The leaderÕs grade would not be based on the successful completion of
the project; to do so would encourage the leaders to simply do the technical
work themselves. The
leaderÕs role needs to be:
educator, mentor, project
planner, reviewer, manager. Consequently, the leaderÕs grade on the project is assigned
similar to the corporate world. It
is subjectively based on their success in leading their team. It is quite possible for a team
to build an excellent product with a poor leader and vice versa. The leadership
qualities of each leader are also evaluated by her team; this evaluation can
possibly have an effect on the grade.
Intro to SE II student grades
Multiple instructors teach
the sophomore students. Each
instructor designs her own grading scheme; no attempt has ever been made to
design a common grading scheme for all instructors. There is a general policy that students are assigned
individual grades; a team grade, applied to all team members, is considered
unacceptable for the obvious reasons.
The two instructors in the 2003-04 Capstone Sequence used two different grading schemes.
1. One instructor delegated grading authority to the leaders. Each leader was required to do a formal evaluation of each team member and assign an appropriate project grade.
Software Deployment (406)
This paper was written before
the Software Deployment course started but a few observations are in
order. There will be no
sophomore students working with the leaders; the leaders will be learning deployment and maintenance
principles alone. The
leaders will, of course, be working on the products that were created in the
previous two teams. The lack
of sophomore students means the course will cover its topics (deployment
issues, software maintenance,
configuration techniques,
installation practices,
marketing, technical support)
with a stronger emphasis on theory.
As this paper is written, the
leaders have already become aware that they will, personally, be maintaining the code base created by
their teams. This awareness
is manifesting as a stronger focus on the code quality in the teams. The leaders clearly want
high-quality code to work on!
Changes from Last Year and
2002-2003 versus 2003-2004
Capstone Sequence
After the previous Capstone
Sequence, 2 changes were implemented:
As desired, the problems in negotiating a reasonable Intellectual Property agreement (with its attendant difficulties) were eliminated. This was a welcome result.
However, the other
implications of the change were not as simple. The 2002-03 capstone students specified, designed and
constructed a project for an industrial partner Ð Brocade Communications. The 2003-04 students worked on
projects for the Software Engineering and Computer Science faculty. There was a wide gulf between the
two domains and a substantive difference in results.
BrocadeÕs primary product
line is Storage Area Networks (SANs).
Brocade provided an actual SAN for the students at Cal Poly and provided
training on the hardware/software components. At the halfway point that year, few of the students (leaders
included) were comfortable with the SAN. Only two students could deal with technical problems. Almost all of the sophomore
students were uncomfortable logging on the SAN and running its tools.
The Brocade project was to
construct an automated tool to generate and execute a set of SAN test
cases. For a simple SAN
configuration, the number of test cases reached 6 figures. CAPATT required the use of
several 3rd party libraries and tools provided by Brocade and a SAN
trade group. At the halfway point,
all of the teams and most of the students were in a constant wrestling match
with these tools. In
addition, there was a major new release of the 3rd party tools in
the middle of the Construction
At the halfway point, none of
the 16 teams had delivered a required prototype. The prototype was intended to demonstrate the team
architecture Ð interface with the 3rd party libraries, connect with
the SAN and generally prove the technical feasibility of the project. The teams were spending most of their
time understanding the requirements, dealing with changing requirements and
learning the SAN domain and its tools.
As this is written, the
halfway point this year, the project teams have demonstrated their
prototypes. All of the teams
showed working software of good quality; some of the teams demonstrated a
prototype that is nearly a finished product.
There is no industrial partner;
the Software Engineering faculty serve as the users. There are no 3rd party tools or libraries. There
is no hardware, other than the platform to execute the programs.
Every student understands the
domains well enough to participate in domain discussions.
The realignment of the
courses was proposed so that the sophomores would be involved in the domain and
gain enough knowledge to significantly contribute to the construction of the
product. This change was difficult
to evaluate because the domain chosen for the faculty project was so familiar
to the students that they were already domain experts. The sophomores were, indeed, not slowed
down by lack of knowledge of a complex domain in the current project. The realignment appears to be a good
idea, especially if a more complex or unfamiliar project domain is undertaken
in the future.
Conclusions and Future
The clearest trends from the
student responses to the questions outlined previously are the following:
The authors are largely in
agreement with these student responses.
The following additional observations are relevant:
1. The
authors believe that leadership experience must be required for SE
majors, and can be optional for other majors taking the course.
2. Products must be deployable in some form. The deployability will be stressed at
the outset, but may be relaxed later in the term to a minimum deployable subset
of the initial requirements.
3. Unless customers and student teams are carefully
selected, using an industrial partner is not considered practical. In a required class, perhaps one team
and one customer can be so selected.
4. Since management experience is essential for SE majors,
an unpaired version of the course would require either that the SE majors
manage themselves, or separate management experience would be gained in a
course independent of the Capstone Sequence.
5. Instructors have mixed feelings about the course
focus. There are plans for future
offerings that focus predominantly on management or predominantly on
requirements techniques and modeling.
[1] Stearns, Meldal, Turner, ÒTen Pounds in a Five Pound Sack: Providing Undergraduate Software Engineering Students with Technical Management Experience,Ó Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education, August, 2001, Oslo, Norway.
[2] Stearns, Dalbey, Turner,
Kearns, ÒReport: A Capstone Project involving a Hundred Students, for an Industrial
Partner,Ó Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education,
July, 2003, Valencia, Spain.
[3] Fisher, Gene, ÒThe RSL Reference ManualÓ
SAVAGE TURNER, J.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at
Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, CA.
FISHER, Ph.D., is a Professor of Computer Science at Cal Poly State University.
STEARNS, M.S., is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Cal Poly State