Each student will be assigned to a team of students. The group will work on CSC 300 lab projects. The project will total to 25% of your final grade, the grade is given "jointly" to all members of the group, with some adjustments for disparities in student participation in the group.
Projects are required work. You must complete them with a passing grade to receive a passing grade in the course. Each team member is expected to participate in the work of the Team (the surest way to fail the course is to fail to particpate with your Team for the term.)
The main team activity will consist of development of a prototype CSC 300 "lab exercise." Teams may be creative, may follow up on courses from other schools, may adjust labs from other disciplines; the object is to come up with meaningful "learning by doing" lab exercises to illustrate the main issues of professional responsibility in computing and software.
The final project, a demo of the lab exercise will be developed by the group and approved by the instructor. It will be due at a date to be specified, before the week of the final exam. Some sample ideas are given at Joe Alfonso's page, he provided these ideas as an assistant to CSC300 teams last year. You should not limit your thinking to those topics that appear on the page, it is just for simple starters. Remember, creativity in teaching the "inevitable intertwining" of technical and ethical ideas is part of your grade.
More details will be given in class. You may review my team project evaluation criteria with which I will evaluate your final team product.