CSC 300:
Professional Responsibilities

Fall 2008

CSC 300 is a course in covering our responsibilities to ourselves and others as computing professionals.

This site will be updated from time to time during the term but it is sure to get out of sync with actual class activities and announcements.  Actual class activities and announcements made in class are authoritative, not these web pages.  These web pages are a suggested guide and are maintained to be helpful, in no way authoritative or a substitute for class participation.  Check back frequently, but remember that you (and only you) are responsible for attendance and knowledge of what is stated during the actual classes.

Instructor: Clark Savage Turner
Instructor's Email:
Instructor's Phone: 805-756-6133
Instructor's Office: Building 14, Room 222
Instructor's Office Hours:  OFFICE HOURS
Class Schedule:
CSC 300-01 lecture MWF
2:10p  - 3 p 14-253
CSC 300-02 lab MWF
3:10p  - 4 p
Other Important Information: 

Basic Course Administration (updated and current - reading list!)

Course Schedule and other Assignments

Current Lab Descriptions.

Student Agreement for CSC 300

Week1 slides

Site Navigation Links:
Up: This Instructor's HomePage

Last Updated by CST: Nov. 2008