List of potential books to read before the end of Week 2 in CSC 300, Fall 2008. Choose one (or suggest one you think is a good one to motivate you in this class!) READ this book and produce a 3 page summary of its questions / answers / list of problems for future work by the end of the second week of classes.
Yourdon, "Death March" Prentice-Hall
Simon, "The Sciences of the Artificial" MIT Press
Jackson, "Software Requirements and Specifications" Addison-Wesley
Pausch, "The Last Lecture" Hyperion
Petroski, "To Engineer is Human" Vintage
Landaur, "The Trouble with Computers" MIT Press
DeMarch, Lister, "Peopleware" Dorset House
Weinberg, "The Psychology of Computer Programming" Dorset House
Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month"
Lessig, "Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity"