Current Course Catalog Description:
CSC 300 Professional Responsibilities (4)
The responsibilities of the
Computer Science professional. The
ethics of science and the IEEE/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics,
quality tradeoffs, software system
intellectual property, history of computing and the social implications
of computers in the modern world. Applications to ethical
dilemmas in computing. Technical presentation methods
and practice. 3 lectures, 1 laboratory. *Prerequisite CSC 307 or
CSC 309.*
Basic Course Requirements:
This is intended to give you an idea of how your grade is calculated. It is not a simple number calculated from objective tests. It is based on a wholistic view of your performance in each of these areas and in the classroom. The schedule itself is only a guideline, each class evolves a bit differently, but the goal is to cover all the scheduled topics to some level of depth, guided by individual class interests as discovered during class meetings.
Participation and attendance will be noted and used in evaluations,
especially in borderline grading cases. Laboratory work is also
crucial to your grade.
For your information, I have compiled a list of common characteristics that lead to failure in this class: How To Fail Turner's CSC 300 Class.
NOTE: Several CSC 300 students have submitted their termpapers to the CPSR essay writing contest, two have won cash prizes and had their work published! Have a look! The link to Eric Rall's paper submission is broken, you can see it here. Consider submission of your paper from this course.
I repeat: attendance and
participation are mandatory in this course.
Discussions in class require your input. The class process and class
discussions are not contained in any slides or notes. Of course, if you
must miss class, do your best
to find out what transpired. However, you cannot just take exams, turn
a paper and make a presentation and hope to pass the course if you do
not attend regularly.
The schedule and planning is tentative and is subject to change. Changes are announced in class and may be noted here. Always get notes from class if you cannot attend a given day because important information is given there that cannot be fully reproduced here. Always remember this is an participation driven class, let me know in advance when you have any important conflicts so that we can resolve them so as not to hurt your grade.
LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED without prior arrangement or medical excuse.
Updated: CST January 2007.