CSC 302:
Computers and Society

Summer 2006

CSC 302 catalog description: Social, ethical, political and technological implications and effects of computers in the modern world. Examination of the benefits and side-effects of computer applications and automation. Case study review and analysis. Satisfies GE Area F (Technology) requirement.

*** Please note that this site may  be updated during the term. Check back frequently, but remember that you (and only you) are responsible for attendance and knowledge of what is stated during class. This site will not include all relevant information (it could not hold it all!) Important things will be stated in class that may never appear here and you are responsible for that information. This is a participation driven class.

Instructor: Clark Savage Turner
Instructor's Email:
Instructor's Phone: 805-756-6133
Instructor's Office (subject to change!): Building 14, Room 211
Instructor's Office Hours:  OFFICE HOURS
Student Assistant Office Hours:  Consider a visit to the Alex Rudd's webpage for additional useful information and office hours.
Class Schedule:
CSC 302-01 lecture MW
10:10 am  - 12:30 pm 20-139
CSC 302-02 lecture MW
12:40 pm  - 3:00 pm
Other Important Information:

Tentative Course Syllabus

Course Readings / Schedule

Media Sources

Bad Words List

Group Project Information

Group Project Evaluations

Software Problems and Medical Machines

* General CSC 302 document index for reference

Site Navigation Links:
Up: This Instructor's HomePage

Last Updated by CST: June 18, 2006