CSC 302 Group Project / Presentation Proposal Format Turner Spring 2006 DRAFT - please check this format on Monday or Tuesday of the week of 17 July for further information. Your formal proposal for the final group project and presentation should f ollow this format. 1. Cover Page including -title of project, -name of group (optionally your motto), -list of group members and contact information, -estimated amount of class time required for the project at the bottom. 2.(a) Abstract of the important high level lessons you expect the class to learn from the presentation. A list with a short paragraph for each point will suffice, keep the list short, I recommend 1 - 3 lessons. Indicate how the "flattening" of the world via computers and communication have had a part to play in these lessons (or in the problems you present!) (b) Outline of the actual presentation. This can be in whatever form makes sense. It should be designed to give us a good overview of how the presentation is currently planned. (You are not stuck with it if you find a "better way" later, but must negotiate that with the Professor or the TA). This should be several paragraphs to a few pages of text, enough that we can have a decent preview of what is to occur.) Make clear the media you will use (poetry reading, play, video, art show, satellite linked interview, walkabout through campus... 3. List the references and other bibliographic resources in an annotated bibliography. Even list the resources that you thought would be helpful but turned out not to be. Give a few lines about the relevance and importance (or lack of importance) of each resource you cite. The list should be rich and a group effort initiated to find and classify interesting things about your topic to help you create your presentation. 4. List any special resources needed and indicate your plan to obtain them (like a digital movie camera, or a small sound system, or a VCR to display a movie.) Do not assume that my computer with a movie file will work, you must plan to test it (on my computer and the classroom display if that is what you'd like to do) and make sure it all works and that you have exactly what you need when you need it. Alex can help you with this, his office hour is on Friday. 5. List of jobs, "parts," or "roles" and estimates of time required to execute them (in hours / week). Things need not be "even" but must be well thought out by the group. Indicate who in the group is assigned to each one on the list (there may be multiple assignments, I just want you to carefully plan the breakdown.)