CSC 302 01 and 02. Summer 2006. Assignment #1 Turner Recall from the syllabus that assignments are a separate grade from readings, questions and media articles. Follow instructions. Be concise but do not consider the subject lightly. Take this seriously, it might be useful in your own planning for the future :-). 1. What was your career plan before you read Friedman's book? 1 page maximum. Include educational requirements, salary expected, benefits expected, location requirements (living and working), expected job description (duties), work schedule and career advancement path. Discuss any general career expectations in general and why you chose that career. 2. Revise your career plan according to the factors synthesized by Friedman. How does world flattening affect your career plans? Address each of the factors of question #1 and analyze your responses vis a vis your own life and career. Keep it to 2 pages maximum.