CSC 302
Summer 2006
Prof. Clark Savage Turner
Questions #1
Due Monday, June 26 at the start of class


Answer the questions in your own writing.
Keep your answers short, crisp and clear.
Please, no verbatim responses, quotes or duplicate answers.
Recall that the reading reaction earns a separate grade that counts the same as the rest of the questions.

  1. Reading Reaction
    Discuss your overall reaction to Chapter 1; see the syllabus for a detailed discussion on how to write reactions.

  2. McDonalds
    Explain why some McDonalds are outsourcing their drive-thru orders.

  3. Globalization 3.0
    Explain what Globalization 3.0 is in a short paragraph.
    List 5 examples from the reading.
    Extra credit: discuss another example that is not mentioned in Chapter 1.

  4. Excitement
    The U.S. is losing thousands of jobs every year because the world is going flat; why is Thomas Friedman so excited?

  5. Computers
    Describe a computer and its operation to your grandmother or other relative who understands nothing about computers. KISS.

  6. Office Space
    Name one very important issue presented by the movie "Office Space" that intersects with Chapter 1 of our text. Though the movie is done with humor, name some recent news item that is an example of this issue's relevance (cite to some source for current information.) KISS.