CSC 302
Summer 2006
Prof. Turner
Questions #6
Due Monday, August 31 at the start of lecture


Answer the questions in your own writing.
Keep your answers short, crisp and clear.
Please, no verbatim responses, quotes or duplicate answers.
Recall that the reading reaction earns a separate grade that counts the same as the rest of the questions.

Note on Weekly Articles
If you chose a article related to the arts, you only need to do one article.

  1. Reading Reaction
    Discuss your overall reaction to Chapters 6-9.

  2. Reading Reaction
    Discuss your overall reaction to the pizza shop video

  3. Career Plans
    Referring to your assignment about your chosen career path, Do you think your own career choice is special, specialized, anchored or adaptable? Explain

  4. Glocalization
    How does the "flat world" contribute to glocalization?

  5. Mexico
    Why is Mexico having so much trouble joining the flat world?