CPE 308 Team Project Final Interview

The Project Retrospective meeting is a chance for your team to reflect on the team project experience and to summarize lessons learned.   The Final Team Project Meeting will be held during final exam week for final delivery of documents and open (and closed) discussion of the topics of your Postmortem Report as well as other issues.

During the Final Interview, we'll have open (and closed) discussions that extend your Postmortem Report.  I am particularly interested in:

TEAM questions to discuss
INDIVIDUAL questions I may want to discuss with you each individually

Teams should come up with some 1 hour blocks of time during final exams week to propose time and location for our meeting.  Finalize this schedule by Friday of the last week of classes.  Then get back to work on a nice, simple, unambiguous, easy to read (and navigate), SRS and basic Software Architecture with skeleton Javadoc document :-)