Team Presentations
On Friday, 27 Feb, each team is to give a 10 minute presentation on the
project. It should include pictures and slides, may be presented
by one or more team members. It will be given in front of the
class during lab. It is to include, at a minimum:
- presentation of one of your use-cases along with some analysis models to analyze it (see Schach Chapter 12 for examples)
- partial class model (like the CRC card, the "collaborators" included at the very least)
- collaboration diagram
- sequence diagram
- possibly one or two of your prototypes or mockups for screens involved with the use-case
Next week (week of 2 March) you will give a more complete presentation,
maybe 20 minutes, during your normally schedule meeting time with me,
it should include:
- your context diagram and the next level of dataflow
- an overview of your main functionality
- an architecture overview by UML diagram (full class diagram with attributes and methods)
- optionally include an event trace of some critical features
- a simple Java "skeleton" to generate some Javadoc to illustrate the classes