CSC x402, Final Exam.
Fall, 2000.
Dr. Clark Savage Turner (with a Ph.D.!!)

Take home: feel free to discuss with colleagues and use any relevant materials.  Be sure to cite other works (and credit other ideas) to the proper sources.  The questions should be answered fully and in detail.  Keep the answers to one or two pages in a normal font with normal margins :-)  This exam is due during the normally scheduled exam period (Tuesday, December 5th, by 4 pm).  The exam must be accompanied by another team evaluation (get form from webpage, it is identical to the last one you performed, I am looking for changes and things that did not change...) and your TEAM's "TOP FIVE TIPS" list for the next generation of CSC 402. (You may include tips on text, outside reading, team tips, tips for dealing with the instructor.  Make it useful for the next teams who will be "victims" if they do not know the things you have learned.  The team should come up with the list as a group.  If individuals dissent, you may include an "additional tips" section for those extras.)

1.    Go forth and find two distinct definitions of Software Engineering (not from textbooks we used).  Compare and contrast.  What are the good features and worst features of each definition.  Produce your own definition in short (several sentences) form.

2.    Some properties of good requirements are stated in the positive, some stated in the negative.  Classify requirements that really should be stated in the negative. Why is this so?  Explain fully.

3.    Is a user who learns to use an interface simulator actually doing part of their own software development?  Explain fully.

4.    What is Dr. Turner's favorite flavor of ice cream?  (extra credit 0.0001 points, but hey, you may need it!)