CSC 402 Status Report Template

Note: Each individual is required to write a weekly status report in his 402 notebook. The due date is specified in the course syllabus. Write in complete English sentences (no bullet writing, no incomplete sentences). Take status reports quite seriously; they are an important factor that forms my opinion of your work.


Action Items
What action items have you taken?
You can state them here or point to an action item page but be sure to use the Action Item Template

Personal Accomplishments:
Describe action items or tasks that you have completed; don't speculate about the future. Sentences that start "I started" or "I almost" will guarantee a failed status report.

Personal List of Late Work:
List things you were supposed to have finished but didn't; don't talk about the future. You may, if you wish, provide explanations but do not make excuses or cast blame.

Personal Problems and Questions:
I will usually answer these during your group meeting. Please use an office hour to discuss sensitive matters.

Group Problems:
Don't whine or complain about your colleagues. A group can only be effective if members constantly support each other. Do not, under any circumstance, tell me you can't find a time to meet; that is what the lab period is for.

Last updated on 3/26/99