Instructor: Clark Savage Turner, J.D., Ph.D.
Office: 14-211
My email address:
Web URL:
This page will evolve with the course. Please check it
for updates, though note that this page is considered supplemental to
the course. The course happens in the classroom, not here on the
PREREQUISITE: CSC 205 and ideally some level of maturity reached through industrial experience.
Course Catalog Description:
CSC 508 Software Engineering I. (4)
In depth study of requirements engineering, software project management, formal specifications and object-oriented analysis. 4 Seminars. Prerequisite: CSC 205 and graduate standing, or consent of instructor.
Required: Petroski, To Engineer is Human, Vintage Books, NY, 1992. I expect that you will read this book in its entirety during the first week of classes, ready to discuss it by the second week.
Required: Jackson, Software Requriements and
Addison-Wesley, 1995.
Required: Simon,
Sciences of the Artificial, MIT Press, 1996.
Another interesting text, Jackson, Problem Frames, Analyzing and structuring software development problems, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
For a good introduction to Software Engineering (especially if you do not have much experience), get Hamlet, Maybee, The Engineering of Software, Addison -Wesley, 2001.
Bibliographies for software engineering research can be found here (NASA) and here (Germany) among other places. Have a look around!
Lecture one slides for
this class are available in powerpoint
GRADES will be loosely based
on the final paper, participation and midterm grade. They are
roughly 33% each, but as a graduate course, the overall class grade is
based on a wholistic assessment of your work, not just individual
Rough Schedule of Important Dates:
Paper proposal due by the end of the 3rd week.
Midterm exam during 5th week.
Full paper due by the end of the 9th week. (Exceptions only by
preapproval of instructor. No incompletes will be given without serious
medical excuse.)
(*volunteer to review and present papers in your chosen topic!
Otherwise, I'll end up assigning you papers that may not help you as
much on your way.)
This syllabus is subject to change. It is a graduate course and the maturity of students is respected by not imposing restrictive structure. We'll explore what makes sense as we progress. Changes are announced in class and eventually noted here. Always get notes from class if you cannot attend a given day because important information is given there that cannot be reproduced here. Always remember this is an participation driven class, let me know in advance when you have any important conflicts so that we can resolve them so as not to hurt your grade.
Updated: Sept. 2004