S Clark Savage Turner's Winter 2006 Sections of CSC 508

CPE 508:
  Software Engineering

Winter 2006

CSC 508 is the first in a two term sequence of Software Engineering courses designed for graduate students.  This course is run seminar style and will involve critical analysis of current research in the field.  The student is expected to voluntarily participate at a high level in class activities.  The main deliverable is a publishable quality research paper with substantial content.

*** Please note that this site is regularly updated. Check back frequently, but remember that you (and only you) are responsible for attendance and knowledge of what is stated during class. This site will not include all relevant information (it could not hold it all!) Important things will be stated in class that may never appear here and you are responsible for that information.

Instructor: Clark Savage Turner
Instructor's Email: csturner@csc.calpoly.edu
Instructor's Phone: 805-756-6133
Instructor's Office: Building 14, Room 211
Instructor's Office Hours:  OFFICE HOURS
Class Schedule:
CPE 508 lecture MW
2:10  - 4:00 pm 22-219
Other Important Information:

Texts and other Materiale

Basic Course Administration

Course Schedule and Assignments

Project Standards

Site Navigation Links:
Up: This Instructor's HomePage

Last Updated by CST: September 2005