CSC 590 Assignment 7


For this assignment, you are to prepare and present a 25-minute talk in your research area. The talk may take one of three forms, depending on how close to a specific thesis topic you are in your studies.

Form 1: If you have an advisor and have chosen a specific topic, then your 590 presentation should be about your thesis specifically. You can think of the 590 talk as a version of what you will do in your thesis defense. There is no specific format for a topic defense presentation. What you present is a complete summary of what is covered in your thesis, focusing on the most interesting aspects of your work.  

Form 2: If you do not have a specific thesis topic, but have an idea of what it might be, then you can do a presentation very similar to Form 1. The difference is that your idea will be less well articulated than in Form 1, so your presentation will revolve more around the work of others than your own work.

Form 3: If you have no particular idea for a thesis topic, then your 590 presentation will be a summary of a particular research area. You can think of the talk as a 25-minute version of the first 5-minute talk you gave before. The format details of the talk are left to you, i.e., it does not need to follow the specific guidelines for the 5-minute talk. In general, you should provide an overview of the research area and a presentation of the major work that has been done, up to the present.

Note that in ALL cases, special attention should be paid to exhibition of some sort of "framework" to explain the research,

The main "turn-in" will be giving your presentation on the assigned day. Also on that day, you must submit your slides electronically using handin on falcon/hornet, in the same way as with previous 590 assignments. Hand in exactly one file, named slides.whatever. The "whatever" extension is for whatever slide format you use. In particular, you do NOT need to covert your slides to PDF.

The proposed in-class presentation schedule is given below. If you have a problem with your assigned day and time, please let me know. I have endeavored to order the schedule such that the earlier people are farther along in their thesis work than the later people.

If you want to provide handouts for the audience, you may do so. However, NO handouts are required.

The schedule is on the next page: times are wide open.

Date Time Presenter
Wed 11 Feb 5:10 - 
Fri 13 Feb 5:10 - 
Wed 18 Feb 5:10 - 
Mon 23 Feb 5:10 - 
Wed 25 Feb 5:10 -
Mon 2 Mar 5:10 -
Weds 5 Mar 5:10 
Mon 9 Mar 5:10 - 
Weds 11 Mar  5:10 -