CSC 590 Assignment 8 - Final project

DUE: on or before 7 PM Friday 20 March (Finals Week) at my office.


For this assignment, you are to prepare an in-depth survey of in a reasonably broad research area. "Reasonably broad" is defined roughly as of the same scope as the areas you chose for 590 Assignments 2 and 3. "Reasonably broad" can be defined more precisely as "suitable for a publication topic in ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)". We will spend time in class looking at CSUR archives to determine good areas for each 590 student on this assignment.

The style and format of articles for CSUR is well documented at the ACM digital library, under the "information for authors" heading:

Your paper for this 590 assignment should follow these ACM guidelines, EXCEPT it should be approximately 5000 words in length (20 double- space pages). This is shorter than the typical CSUR paper.

You are encouraged to "double dip" the work you do in Assignments 6 and 7. I.e., you may reuse appropriate sections of text from other Assignments. 

Turn-in Procedure

Submit to me in person, if possible, or turn in to my office (I may change this to use of handin to get me the document, stay tuned and but me about it.)wwwww