CSC 590 Assignment 1

DUE: Monday of Week 2, in lecture (for the written information).  Originally authored by Gene Fisher.

  1. If you are not already, become a student member of the ACM, and choose the "PLUS Digital Library" option. Here's a direct link:

  2. Provide the following personal background information in writing (this is the same information you gave orally in class on the first day):
    1. Your name.
    2. Your undergraduate background, including your major, and where and when you graduated.
    3. At what point you are in your studies, i.e., how many quarters you've been in the program.
    4. If you know the area in which you want to do your thesis work, describe it.
    5. If you have a specific thesis topic selected, describe it.
    6. If you've started your thesis, say how far along you are, and who your advisor is.
    7. Your current resume.
    8. Any other interesting information you'd like to include about yourself.

  3. Select one or more research areas that you would like to be the focus of your work this quarter in 590. If you are working on a thesis, then that single research area will hopefully be what you work on for 590. However, given the class size, there may be overlap among students, so please provide at least two topic areas you could work on.

    If you are relatively early in the MS program, then select at least two research topic areas you would like to consider for 590. If you feel clueless in this area, come talk to me and we'll work something out. A helpful general guide to Computer Science research topics is the IEEE/ACM computing classification taxonomy,

    (Use the online version of this assignment writeup to click on this link.)