You are to work out the ACM Self Assessment handed out in class on Monday, 27 September. This should be completed and placed in your notebooks by Friday.
You need to think about making some 2 minute presentations now.
Group assignments are to be done over the weekend. I want you to meet and brainstorm a set of the 10 most important ethical issues for the csc graduate. Try to order these issues by general topic for my review. I want a one paragraph justification for each issue as to why it is important, timely, and should be included. Keep list of group contributors and their contributions to the list and discussions. I want this on paper or by email by Monday, October 4. One per group.
You must come up with a topic for the 10 minute presentation and your termpaper (due 7th week) and get it approved by the instructor by the end of the the 4th week. This cannot be done in class, but may be done by email. We may need to meet during office hours to firm things up. You should present me with a topic proposal, consisting of:
1. proposed title (and date for presentation)
2. proposed abstract (two or three
paragraphs about what you think the paper/presentation will say)
3. outline of your approach to the
topic (the big issues, how you want to look at them)
4. proposed bibliography (minimum
three sources, papers or other kinds of references related to the topic)