fun-alex | instructor's executable for fun.c program |
distances-alex | instructor's executable for distances.c program |
fun-tests.tar.gz | archive of tests |
fun-tests.csh | test script for your executable |
fun-alex-tests.csh | test script for instructor's executable |
distances-tests.tar.gz | archive of tests |
distances-tests.csh | test script for your executable |
distances-alex-tests.csh | test script for instructor's executable |
image.h | header file for the image library |
image.o | object binary for the image library |
cross.ppm | Output of redcross.c program | |
smiley.ppm | Output of smiley.c program | |
yang.ppm | Output of ynag.c program | |
redlight.ppm | Output of redlight.c program | |
star.ppm | Output of star.c program | |
car.ppm | Output of car.c program | |
house.ppm | Output of house.c program | |
computer.ppm | Output of computer.c program |