CPE 101: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Lab 7

Object files

graphics-alex.oinstructor's implementation of graphics.h functions
image.oobject binary for the image (graphics primitives) library

Header/Source files

graphics.hheader file for the graphics library
image.hheader file for the image (graphics primitives) library
graphics.ca stub file for your graphics library implementation
testSmiley-sample.ca sample test file


September 11, 2009 dekhtyar at calpoly.edu
tsm.ppm output of a putSmiley() test
tyang.ppm output of a putYingYang() test
tcross.ppm output of a putCross() test
tcr.ppm output of a putCrescent() test
tstar.ppm output of a putStar() test
twall.ppm output of a putBrickWall() test
thouse.ppm output of a putHouse() test
tcar.ppm output of a putCar() test