CPE 101: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Lab 2


price-alex: price.c executable
converter-alex: converter.c executable
elections-alex: naive-elections.c executable



price-test10 sample test file for price.c program
price-test.tar.gz all public tests for price.c program (archive of 20 tests)
price-test.csh test script for price.c program
price-alex-test.csh test script for instructor's executable of the price.c program


converter-test10 sample test file for converter.c program
converter-tests.tar.gz all public tests for converter.c program (archive of 30 tests)
converter-test.csh test script for converter.c program
converter-alex-test.csh test script for instructor's executable of the converter.c program


election-test04 sample test file for naive-elections.c program
election-tests.tar.gz all public tests for naive-elections.c program (archive of 15 tests)
elections-test.csh test script for naive-elections.c program
elections-alex-test.csh test script for instructor's executable of the naive-elections.c program

January 6, 2010 dekhtyar at calpoly.edu