Midterm Study Guide
- The midterm will be given during class on Thursday, October 20.
- You should bring a pencil and eraser.
- You may not use any study aids during the exam. For instance, books, notes, friends, phones, computers will not be allowed.
- The exam will contain multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, and programming questions.
- You may be asked questions regarding:
- material presented during lecture and lab - be sure to review notes linked from the course schedule
- reading assignments
- the course project including topics such as (but not limited to) process, organization, domain, technology
- the functionality of Android phones (e.g. touch, magnetometer, accelerometer, internet, GPS, wifi, internet)
- capabilities and limitations of Scratch
- capabilities and limitations of App Inventor
- App Inventor programming fundamentals
- given an App Inventor program, be able to tell what it does
- given a list of App Inventer components and blocks (e.g. control blocks),
be able to tell what components and blocks you would use to accomplish a task
- Java programming fundamentals
- answer questions about programming and Java basics (e.g. what is a data type?, what is a parameter?, what is the difference between if and while?)
- be able to write short programs that use if/else, primitive data types, built-in operators (+,-,*,/,%,++,==,!=,&&,||), functions/methods
(e.g. write programs on the level of PasswordValidator and TranscriptPrinter)
- program testing fundamentals
- be able to write JUnit tests (e.g. use assertEquals and assertTrue as in this example)
- Vocabulary that would be good to know:
- computer
- processor
- program
- programmer
- procedure
- argument
- parameter
- return value
- operator
- operand
- variable
- local
- global
- scope
- data
- list
- condition
- control structure
- loop
- selection
- event
- event handler
- Activity (App Inventor)
- requirements
- design
- deployment
- test
- code