CSC/CPE 307 Final Exam Study Guide

  1. The final will be an in-class written exam completed during class on Monday, June 9 beginning at 1:10pm.
  2. You should bring a pencil and eraser.
  3. You may not use any study aids during the exam. For instance, books, notes, friends, phones, computers will not be allowed.
  4. The exam will contain multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions. You may also be asked to create diagrams or coding artifacts.
  5. You may be asked to answer questions regarding reading assignments from the course text and articles/web links posted on the course schedule.
  6. You may be asked to answer questions regarding any material presented in class.
  7. You may be asked questions regarding the course project including topics such as (but not limited to) process, organization, domain (tournament prediction), tools and technology used (e.g. GWT, JUnit, Eclipse, Java, subversion, ...).
  8. You may be asked questions regarding material presented during lecture and lab.
  9. Although the exam will focus on material from the second half of the course, some questions may relate to topics from the first half of the course.
  10. You may be asked questions from previous quizzes.