CPE 102

Winter 2008

Lab 2




None – any updates or corrections will appear here.







  1. Your text.
  2. Your peers.
  3. Your instructor.
  4. The Java Standard Library – Book-mark this web page, you will be using the Java Standard Library documentation regularly this quarter. Find String in the alphabetic ordered “All Classes” frame and pay special attention to the discussion of the “+” operator for string concatenation – especially useful for this lab. 


Ground Rules


  1. You must use the ArrayList class to store the various user responses (see Hints & Suggestions below for assistance).
  2. You must complete the specification items in order.




You will be developing a simple Java class named InputSeparator that makes use of the ArrayList class from the Java Standard Library and separates the inputs into different collections based on the type of input.  You can (and should) write this class in the structure suggested to you from the JUnit tests.




  1. Your program must match the specification exactly as described.


  1. Supplied to you is the following JUnit test class and test driver. Download both files. You will yet not be able to compile them as they depend on an InputSeparator class.

    The test driver, named AllTests, simply runs the tests specified in the test class.

    The test class, named InputSeparatorTest, tests all of the InputSeparator class's functionality. Writing these tests before implementing the InputSeparator class forces us to design the class's implementation a little before jumping in to code it. For example, this causes us to think about what kind of methods and functionality will be required in the InputSeparator class.
  2. In the InputSeparatorTest class, look at the testInputSeparatorConstructor() method. Make sure that you understand what is going on in this method. What functionality for the InputSeparator class can you deduct from reviewing this code?

    Now, for a slightly more complicated test, look at the testAddIntegers() method. Again, make sure that you understand what is going on in this method. What functionality for the InputSeparator class can you deduct from reviewing this code? What methods should be implemented, and what are their parameters and return types?
  3. There exists a more concise way to compare ArrayLists to each other. Look at the testAddIntegers2() method. It is identical to the previous method except for the way in which it checks for equality at the end. Arrays.asList() simply restructures an array as a list. Comparing one list to another relieves you of the duty of having to compare each individual ArrayList item and the ArrayList length as both are included in the ArrayList comparison.

    Also look at the testAddDoubles() and testAddOthers() methods, which also use the more concise equality check. Again, make sure that you understand what is going on in these methods. What functionality for the InputSeparator class can you deduct from reviewing this code? What methods should be implemented, and what are their parameters and return types?
  4. Create a class named InputSeparator. Do you know what the name of the file must be? If not, read item 4 of lab 1 more carefully. Use the information deducted in item 4 of this lab to implement the class. After your class is fully implemented and compiles, compile and run the supplied JUnit test class to verify its correctness.
  5. As described in the Orientation section of this lab, one purpose of the InputSeparator class is to separate inputs into different collections based on the type of input. However, thus far each test only inputs a single type.

    The testAddAll() test method should test the InputSeparator to ensure that this functionality works properly. Following the comments, fill in the placeholders to complete this test method. Make sure that this test case passes.
  6. The InputSeparator class should have two constructors: a detault constructor (no parameters) that initializes each ArrayList, and a constructor with a single ArrayList<String> parameter which contains a collection of objects to be added. Using the testAddAll() test method as an example, write the JUnit test for this functionality. Then, implement the constructor in the InputSeparator class. Hint: you do not need to write any new code in this constructor! Simply use already-implemented methods.


Hints & Suggestions


  1. The ArrayList class is a generic collection class meaning it can be used to collect any type of object.  You must specify the type of object that will be collected in an ArrayList when you declare and construct it.  You will be working with int, double, and String values.  You cannot store primitive data values (byte, char, short, int, long, float, double, or boolean) in an ArrayList.  To add integer and real values to an ArrayList you will need to use the appropriate wrapper classes.  A wrapper class is a class that “wraps” some other type and provides methods to operate on the wrapped type.  There is a class called Integer that wraps primitive int values and a class called Double that wraps primitive double values in the Java Standard Library – read the javadocs for help on using these classes.
  2. Here is an example of declaring and constructing an ArrayList for Integer objects:


ArrayList<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<Integer>();


Notice that the type to be collected in an ArrayList, in this case Integer, is specified immediately after the ArrayList class by putting it inside the <>-brackets.  To create an ArrayList to collect different types simply substitute the appropriate class name for Integer in the example above.