FJK Home | CPE/CSC 480 F03 | Syllabus | Schedule | Lecture Notes | Assignments | Project | Other Links |
Points | 25 |
Deadline | Tue, Oct. 28 |
The emphasis in this assignment lies on the search methods, and less on the programming of the environment. As part of his master's thesis, a graduate student has implemented an environment for the Wumpus World in Java. This environment will also be the basis for the search algorithms. It will be made available via Blackboard, accompanied by instructions on how to use it, and an example of a simple reflex agent that randomly moves around in the environment.
This "playground" is a rectangular array of squares where the agent can move around. Each square has coordinates, and may have properties such as empty, occupied, clean, dirty, etc.
The agent inspects a square for its properties by querying the environment. Based on that information and possibly knowledge from previous queries, the agent determines the next square to be investigated. The agent is capable of basic movements such as move-forward, turn-right, and turn-left. After the agent has made a decision about an action, it communicates the information to the environment, which is then updated accordingly.
The agent is not allowed to "have a peek" at the overall setup in order to optimize its activities; it must rely on the information it receives from the envorinment, and possibly on conjectures drawn from this information.
Design your system in such a way that it can be easily enhanced. For example, it should be straightforward to deal with extra properties for the field or individual squares, or to change its dimensions. The agent should be able to have different or additional sensors and actuators, perform different actions, use expanded internal representations, perform more complex internal calculations, etc. Ideally, you should be able to modify your agent so that it can be expanded for more complex tasks like retrieving the gold in the Wumpus world.
In a real-world setting, the agent most likely would perform an on-line search, interleaving the computations to determine the search with the execution of the corresponding steps. In this context, you should implement an off-line search where the agent explores the environment "mentally" by asking the environment manager about the properties of the squares it is inspecting, gradually building up a search tree and possibly a map of the environment. After it has identified the goal, it calculates a direct path from the initial position to the goal, and then executes the respective actions to move along the path.
This approach has an important consequence for the agent. When it encounters a dead end during its investigation (i.e. there are no uninspected reachable squares from the current square), it can continue its investigation with another square on the fringe easily by "mentally" jumping to that square. An off-line agent has to back up and retrace its steps in order to reach the next square on the fringe, thus increasing the path cost considerably.
The search costs for the agent are:
0 9 19 -------------------- 0|S | | 1 X | | 121 X | |12321XXXXX 1| | 121 12| | 1 XXXXXXXXXXXX3| | X 12| | X G 1| | X | 9| XX1 | 10| 121 | | 12321 | | 1234321 | | 12321 | | 121 | | 1 | | | | | | | 19| | --------------------
You can also implement your own playground for an extra credit of 20% of the total number of points for this assignment. If you decide to do this, you may inspect the sample playground, but not use any of its code.
The provided environment shows only the environment from an omnicient observer's perspective. The agent itself can build up its own internal map as it explores the environment. Usually an appropriate data strucuture such as an array or a graph is used by the agent to represent information about the environment. Displaying the agent's view of the environment can be helpful for the analysis of the agent's behavior. Adding this display to the environment can earn you another 10% of extra credit. You can combine this with the implementation of your own environment for a total of 30% extra credit.
Submit your assignment through the Drop Box on Blackboard. Blackboard will let you know if there are problems with this process, but I believe the feedback for a successful submission is less clear. I recommend to keep a copy of the complete assignment on a computer that is easily accessible, just in case...
If you have gneral questions or comments concerning the programming aspects of the homework, post them on the Blackboard Discussion Forum for the assignment. the grader, Hafeez Jaffer, and the author of the environment program, John Clayton, will check that forum on a regular basis, and try to answer your questions.
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Franz Kurfess |