CPE/CSC 480 F03 Artificial Intelligence -- Submission of Assignments
Submission Procedure
In general, programming assignments should be submitted
via the course "Drop Box" in Blackboard.
Unless instructed otherwise, I expect you to submit the assignments as follows:
Put all the files that belong to your assignment into an archive (.zip, .tar, or .sit formats are ok).
Give the archive file a meaningful name that starts with your Cal Poly account name or your last name.
Submit the archive to the lackboard drop box.
Material to be Submitted
Depending on the type of the assignment, you need to submit the
following material:
written assignments (e.g. essays, questions, calculations)
text document with the questions and your answers
programming assignments
a README file (in plain ASCII text, named "README") with
your name
a short description of what your program is supposed to do
its main components (files, classes, methods, libraries/packages used)
instructions on how to install and run your program
alternative setup descriptions (e.g. if you use JDK 1.2 instead of JDK 1.1.7)
possibly some example data used to test your program.
all the files containing source code for your program
files with additional information, e.g. configuration parameters or data sets
the executables for your program (Java Bytecode)
Acknowledgement of Receipt
As far as I can tell, it may look like your submission to the Blackboard drop box
disappears in to a black hole. However, you should get an error message
if it didn't go through. In any case, it is a good idea to keep a copy of the assignment
as you submitted it on another computer system.
Grading and Evaluation
Together with the task description I usually give an overview
of my intended evaluation scheme, indicating the number of points you
get for the different parts of the assignment.