/* * Read positive numbers from stdin, store them in an array. Print out the * array when done. (This version has some more kinds of debugging print * statemetns, in help understand what's going on in the input loop.) */ #include int main() { int i = 0; /* Array index for input. */ int j = 0; /* Array index for output. */ double x; /* Input value */ double a[5]; /* Array to hold numbers */ /* * Prompt and read first number. */ printf("Input positive numbers, negative to stop: "); scanf("%lf", &x); /* * Loop until negative number input. */ while (x > 0) { /* * Store input in next array element. */ a[i] = x; /* * Increment array index. */ printf("i, pre incr =%d\n", i); /* DEBUGGING */ i = i + 1; printf("i, post incr =%d\n", i); /* DEBUGGING */ /* * Read in next number. */ scanf("%lf", &x); a[i] = x; printf("i, end-of-loop =%d\n", i); /* DEBUGGING */ printf("a[%d] = %f\n", i, a[i]); /* DEBUGGING */ } /* * Print out array. */ while (j < i) { printf("a[%d] = %f\n", j, a[j]); j++; } return 0; }