-- header file with specs for cards functions; you can add new prototypes to
this file, but otherwise use it as is
-- header file for the testing program; this is the program that will be used
for actual testing; if you want to modify it for incremental tests, make a copy
into your own file, e.g., my_cards_test.h
-- testing program that calls your functions; this is the program that will be
used for actual testing; if you want to modify it for incremental tests, make a
copy into your own file, e.g., my_cards_test.c
-- example of a simpler testing file that you can use for incremental
development and testing
-- example of using the rand function for the cards shuffling
-- output of a successful test run on unix2.csc.calpoly.edu; note that your
output for shuffled decks may not look identical to this, due to differences in
how your shuffling algorithm is implemented, and how the rand function
operates on a particular computer