CSC 102, Spring 2013
Gene Fisher
Week 1:
- course syllabus -- introductory description of the course
- unix basics -- bare-essential unix commands for csc 102
- coding conventions -- standards for programming assignment code submitted in 102
- lab 1 -- getting started with java
- lab 2 -- writing some simple java programs
- lecture notes week 1 -- introduction to the course introduction to java
Week 2:
- lab 3 -- the Object class and how other classes relate to it
- lab 4 -- getting started with program 1
- program 1 -- and
- lecture notes week 2 -- introduction to incremental development and systematic testing; more java basics
Week 3:
- lab 5 -- ArrayList class and wrapper classes in the Java standard library
- lab 6 -- ArrayList class and heterogeneous collections
- program 2 -- interfaces
- lecture notes week 3 -- lab and program discussion; program design; arrays and ArrayLists
Week 4:
- Lab 7 -- interfaces, polymorphism, compile-time vs. run-time behavior, and run-time
- Lab 8 -- inheritance
- Program 3 -- inheritance
- lecture notes week 4 -- converting between java Types; inheritance
Week 5:
- Lab 9 -- exceptions
- Lab 10 -- file i/o
- Program 4 -- maze game
- lecture notes week 5 -- exceptions and file i/o
Week 6:
- Lab 11 -- introduction to processing
- Lab 12 -- sorting and searching
- lecture notes week 6 -- guis (graphical user interfaces) using the processing ide; linked lists and abstract data types
Week 7:
- Lab 13 -- implementing a basic ArrayList
- Lab 14 -- using Java's LinkedList and iterators
- Program 5 -- maze game, part 2
- lecture notes week 7 -- more on data structures and abstract data types
Week 8:
- program 6 -- doubly linked list and iterators
- lecture notes week 8 -- more on linked lists and iterators; introduction to recursion; more on searching and sorting
Week 9:
- Lab 15 -- functional recursion
- Lab 16 -- chain of responsibility pattern & comparator (structural recursion)
- Lab 17 -- structural recursion
- lecture notes week 9 -- more on recursion; introduction to java gui library
Week 10:
- Lab 18 -- brief introduction to Java Swing
- final exam review -- summary of the question topic areas for the final
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E.g., to view the pdf version of the Lab 1 writeup, enter "" in the browser address bar. Alternatively, on a lab machine go to ~gfisher/classes/102/labs/1 and access writeup.pdf directly, e.g., open it in Adobe Reader or copy it to wherever you'd like.