CSC 102, Spring 2013
Gene Fisher

General Index:

Items of Near-Term Interest:
  • Common Final Exam:
    • 7-10PM Wednesday 12 June, 26-104
    • If you have another final at this time, please send email.

  • final exam review -- summary of the question topic areas for the final

  • Finals week office hours same as during quarter -- MW 2-3, Tu 9-11

Index by Week:
Week 1:

Week 2:

  • lab 3 -- the Object class and how other classes relate to it
  • lab 4 -- getting started with program 1
  • program 1 -- and
  • lecture notes week 2 -- introduction to incremental development and systematic testing; more java basics

Week 3:

  • lab 5 -- ArrayList class and wrapper classes in the Java standard library
  • lab 6 -- ArrayList class and heterogeneous collections
  • program 2 -- interfaces
  • lecture notes week 3 -- lab and program discussion; program design; arrays and ArrayLists

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

  • Lab 11 -- introduction to processing
  • Lab 12 -- sorting and searching
  • lecture notes week 6 -- guis (graphical user interfaces) using the processing ide; linked lists and abstract data types

Week 7:

Week 8:

Week 9:

Week 10:

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  • HTML, suitable for viewing with a web browser; these files have a ".html" extension.
  • PDF, suitable for viewing with Adobe Acrobat Reader; these files have a ".pdf" extension.

Most document links in 102 pages point to HTML files. To access the PDF version of a document, replace the ".html" extension in the web browser address bar with ".pdf" or ".txt". Alternatively, you can go directly the desired directory to view or copy the desired file with the ".pdf" or ".html" extensions.

E.g., to view the pdf version of the Lab 1 writeup, enter "" in the browser address bar. Alternatively, on a lab machine go to ~gfisher/classes/102/labs/1 and access writeup.pdf directly, e.g., open it in Adobe Reader or copy it to wherever you'd like.